Page 64 of Mad Max

“Go ahead.” Mad Max shrugs. “You tell her, I tell her, don’t matter in the end. She’s stuck with the outcome.”

I really have no idea who the man is who’s sitting across from me. If he chuckles any more, I’d swear the agency killed my uncle and replaced him with an actor.

Finally, Jimmy looks at me. “You’re his, Boo.”

“Yeah, I know. Wait, is that what this is about? Are you mad? Should I have told you? If it helps, he didn’t know who I was till I reminded him that I saw him here. I swear, we didn’t have sex right away. Okay, it was kind of right away, but that was only because Benny was screwing a girl against a wall. Then Mad Max came in and told him to go and asked if I was in love. I said no—”

A hand covers my mouth, and it’s only then that I see my uncle in shock. Think it was the first time I ever used sex in the active terminology and not just a word to describe something.

“He means you’re mine, Fairy. As in I’ve claimed you. No other Hound can have you, nor can anyone else for that matter.”

I pull his hand away from my mouth and look over at him, once again tilting my head in confusion. “Yeah, I know that. I’m yours, just like you’re mine. Does that mean I get to claim you too?”

His smile is small, but it’s all I see. “Yeah, Fairy, it sure as hell does.”

I smile big and lean in quick before I can think against it, kissing him for all he’s worth till a throat clears and I remember where I am.

“Not allowed to touch in here.”

I pull away and look over at my uncle. He’s glaring with his arms crossed, not at all the laughing man from a few minutes ago.

“Thought that rule was for inmates and guests,” I say. “Not for guests and other guests.”

I know it’s not possible, but he glares even more. “It applies to everyone, Boo. Keep your hands to yourself. Might be glad you’re happy. Ain’t seen you like this before, and I’m not talking about the bruises. You ain’t changing, and he’s accepting you like he did me. I’ve known this man for years. I know what’s in his heart and his head. You’ve got yourself a good one. Might even approve of him. But don’t for one fucking second think I’ll ever be okay with you sucking face in front of me. You’ve had a dad, but the moment he left this world, you and I both know I became that for you. You’re mine too. Don’t forget that. You’re the only family I’ve got left. The only family I ever wanted. You are something, and your parents were dicks for ever trying to make you something you ain’t. But he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t try to make you more than just you. I can see that already with what I see of you two and what my contacts on the outside are saying. It’s the only reason I’m not over this table and cutting out his tongue for touching you with it.”

“Oh, Uncle Jimmy.” I think I’m going to cry. He’s never said so much to me before. It means more to me than him confessing he loves me. I know it. He knows it. No need to say it. Just wasted words, as he’s already said more than those three words could ever say.

The threat at the end lets me know more than anything. He was the one to teach me that emotions are weakness. To never let something surprise you enough to react. And he’s reacting. I can see the restraint on his face. He’s holding himself back, but just barely. Same look he had at his trial when the agency threw him under the bus.

He didn’t think they would; they told him they’d get him out and the trial was just for show. But they screwed him over—kind of what they’re known for, really, if you go by the movies. Unlike today, he wasn’t able to hold it together back then, lunging at the so-called witness as he passed him. Jimmy got a few good hits in before they had enough security to pull him off the guy.

That was the only time I ever saw my uncle show more than the stoic face he gives to everyone else. Well, that time and now, of course.

“So.” Jimmy looks at Mad Max, who grabs my hand and holds it. At least it’s under the table—not that my uncle doesn’t seem to notice based on the nostril flare he gives as he glances at what he can see of our arms touching. Mad Max might have a death wish, or else he just doesn’t care about the threat Jimmy just gave.

Is it bad if I find that so hot?

He knows my uncle can kill him without touching him. Probably even in here. His reach is far and wide, and more people than not are on his payroll, which is still very active.

“You asking?” Jimmy says.

“Asking what?” Why do they have to keep talking in code? I thought we didn’t have to do all this “talking but not really talking” thing since I’m no longer looking for “stationery.” I’m still searching for Candy, but the Hounds are doing most of the work. We agreed that I need to stay on the research side of things and only be used when they have a lead. Apparently, my skill for questioning people is about to be the club’s favorite toy.

A few of the brothers thought Mad Max was blowing smoke when he mentioned I was known as a walking lie detector. Of course, a little demonstration was all that was needed to get just about everyone to shut up. And now half the club won’t talk to me. Fear of me finding out a lie and telling the truth keeps them at bay.

It’s not my fault. I just tell the truth. And apparently, I’m the only one who does that in the clubhouse outside Church. I might have started a few fights, and some people aren’t talking to others, but that’s not my fault. Not really. I don’t think so, anyway. Maybe I should ask Mad Max after we leave. He was the one who made me stop last night when a few of the Hounds asked me to do a lie detector of sorts on them. If you call throwing me over his shoulder and walking out stopping me. Guess it worked.

“Yeah, I’m asking. You going to give it to me?” my beast says in that deep voice I love so much as he squeezes my hand tight under the table.

My uncle just smiles, which has me smiling right along with him. It’s infectious.

Even if I’m not really sure what’s being asked.

Chapter 28 – Mad Max


hut the hell up, all of you.” Law bangs the gravel a few more times than usual. Can’t be helped; the entire club’s happy to finally get some of our brothers back. Once we settle—as much as kids after having sugar can, ’cause that’s the vibe of this place—Church officially begins. “First, I want to say welcome back to Bass and our two prospects.”