Page 49 of Mad Max

“It’s a good plan.”

Her soft words have me breathing deep, taking a moment before I give in to the inevitable.

“I know. I just….” I blow out another breath, making my cheeks look the size of a chipmuck who’s stuffed them full of nuts.

“Just what?”

I slowly look away from the work on the table till I’m staring at her. My fairy. She’s fierce. Not sure if the boys recognized that she’s wearing my clothes or not, but I did as soon as I came into the place. Nothing shouted that they were mine, but I knew it. And when I got closer? I smelled myself on her, and it took every ounce of control I had not to fuck her where she sat at the bar with Casper.

I’m not sure why I stopped and got her favorite drink. It just made sense after I saw her uncle. Fucking love that she ain’t interrogating me on what we talked about or why I went. Not sure what I would say if she asked, but I’m betting it would be close to the truth. Not because I now know she can catch me in a lie but because I want to. I want to tell her how I feel, even if I’m still figuring it out.

At least I know she’s mine. Even if she doesn’t get it. Even if this plan goes to crap and one of us, or both, don’t make it back. She’s mine. That’s all that matters.

And I’m hers, whether she knows it or not.

Chapter 21 – Cheyanne


don’t think I’ve ever had this much sex before. I mean with the same person.”

I know I’ve caught him off guard as he stumbles, literally, into the bathroom. Could be from what I said or probably the pants he’s putting on. Yeah, it’s the pants. Maybe.

He comes back in, pulling a black shirt over the yumminess of his stomach as he does. I mentally flash back to an hour ago, when I had him on his back and he let me drag my tongue from the curve of the V pointing down and going in the opposite directions. I remember the feel of his flat stomach constricting as I moved my head like a snake over it till I reached his nipple and circled it with my tongue. Before I could even bite it—softly, of course—he dragged me up and kissed me as he rolled us till I was flat on my back. With a few simple hip movements, he was inside me again.

I shudder at the memory that was live action just hours before. I don’t think I’m overly sexual, but something about Mad Max, or maybe it’s the club, has me wanting to jump his bones every chance I get.

“Why’s that?”

I blink a few times to see if maybe I spoke out loud again. I chance it and go with the answer to my first statement ’cause I don’t have a great answer for the second. “Not sure. They all seem to have left after a while. Don’t think I did anything wrong. It’s not like you can be bad at sex, right? Just insert the boy part into the girl part and do what feels good. Can you do it wrong?”

He chuckles, and I just love when he does that. It’s a soft, rich sound that makes my bones quake in a good way. He doesn’t do it often with the others, but he does it with me. And I know he’s not laughing at me, he’s just happy.

“Yeah, babe, you can get it wrong. You don’t, though, so just keep being you.” He grabs the back of my neck, pulling me in for what I bet was meant to be a quick kiss. But it isn’t. And I’m not fighting him as his tongue caresses mine and his fingers tighten a bit on my flesh. I almost wish they would leave marks, bruises I can wear with pride that say I’m able to bring this beast of a man this much passion. “I like it. I like what you do and that no one else gets to see that you only get better and better each time.”

If that doesn’t make me fall in love with him, not sure what will. No one has ever said they like me or what I do. Not really. And they definitely don’t allude to the fact that they want to stick around. That never happens.

“Now get dressed. You’ve got girls to buy, and I’ve got to make sure the boys have everything we need to keep you safe the whole time you go in.”

“Yeah, pretty sure Jimmy would be pissed if something happens to me.” I turn and roll off the bed, going to my bags in the corner, which had miraculously shown up in Mad Max’s room when we came in here after dinner. Not sure where they were or who brought them in, but he didn’t question it, just like I didn’t question that I would be staying with him and not in my own room.

“And me.”

“Huh?” I turn and tilt my head, asking him to explain without saying anything.

“I would be mad, too, if something happens to you. More than mad. Devastated.”

I feel my eyebrows hit my hairline, and it takes me a minute before I just nod. Not sure what I’m nodding at, but there’s so much intensity coming off him, I can feel it across the room. He just nods once and then leaves.

I dress quickly, going with a business suit but opting out of the heels and pairing it with some ankle boots that the pants hide easily. They look fancy enough and also feel about ten times better than the last pair of shoes I wore to one of these things. Then, I wasn’t expecting something bad to happen—now I am. I want to be ready to run when the time comes. If I prepare for it, it won’t happen. That’s how it’s always been in the past. I expect one outcome, and another occurs. You’d think for a certified genius that I’d be accurate in my guesses more times than not, but no. Guess I never figure in the human factor as much as I should. The other person usually makes the outcome different, not me.

I walk into the main club room and see everything organized and not one glare thrown my way. I’m taken aback by this, as it’s different. I’ve always had someone glare at me, either because they think I’m trying to take a man who isn’t mine because I look hot—and yes, I know I do, so it’s a fact and not a personal self-image thing—or they hate that I know more than them.

But none of that seems to be called into question today. Even odder since 98 percent of these people didn’t trust me yesterday.

“Wow, when one person says they believe in a person, you all really band together,” I say to myself as I walk to the bar.

I grab a Kool-Aid squeeze pouch from the drinks set out on the bar. And yeah, I totally have butterflies in my stomach that they have these available right now since I drank all that Mad Max brought me the day before. Either he bought more than he told me or someone went out and got more. Either way, it makes me feel kind of special and like I fit in. A new feeling for sure.