“I’m Casper. Guy you’re working on is Domino. Kooper’s the asshole sleeping, and Mad Max is over there. We’re with the Hounds of the Reaper MC.”
“And the girl?”
“Cheyanne.” Fairy speaks for herself but doesn’t lift her head from my chest.
“You need anything, Cheyanne? You look a bit rough around the edges. Want me to call you a cab or something?”
Damn, the vet’s got balls. Point-blank offering an unknown woman a way out even though there are three brothers still standing. Kooper might be asleep, but given a shout from either me or Casper, that man will be ready to start shooting at a moment’s notice. Not that the vet knows or seems to care. She’s just doing the typical women-against-men bullshit.
I look at Fairy. Her eyes are closed, but she’s smiling as she shakes her head. It feels more like she’s trying to burrow into my chest like a kitten than saying no.
“Nah, I’m good. The boys will give me a lift home, I’m sure.”
“Hmm” is all the vet gives us, and I know it’s eating at Casper. As a sniper, he likes to keep a part of himself unknown as long as possible. His way of being able to sneak in unnoticed. Not that the vet is giving him much to go on. She’s been running this show since we showed up, and it’s kind of impressive.
I’ve never been one of those who thinks a man should run everything. My mom took care of me just fine on her own, even if she sucked at taking care of herself. A woman can do almost as much as a man, maybe more. We just don’t usually see a civilian act this way to a brother. Maybe an old lady, but usually only after she’s been tagged as one. Not before. Or at least I haven’t seen it. Wasn’t around for Chains’ and Bulldog’s early days before their claiming. Only know their women now, and neither are ones I want to go up against alone if I don’t have to.
“I’m Wendi. And I know who you are, even if I don’t know you specifically. Ran into a few of your boys a couple months back when my sister and I helped one of yours who got run off the road.”
“You’re that vet?” Casper asks with a bit of respect in his voice, something he usually only reserves for our prez.
She shrugs. “Guess so. All right, all done. I still recommend taking him to a hospital, though. They can do a scan on his thigh to make sure it’s a 100 percent. Just don’t tell them I was the one doing the work. Don’t need my license revoked for this.”
Casper nods a second before Flint breaks radio silence. “Boys are five minutes out with two SUVs. Got another group getting your bikes. Law wants you all back here ASAP. Bring the girl.”
I lean back enough to force Cheyanne to lift her head and look at me. Fear is nowhere in her eyes, and that should scare me. She’s not afraid of me or of those in the room. She should be, though. I got no idea what’s about to go down, but the Hounds don’t like to be betrayed. And what she did, unless she tells us something different from what we think, feels an awful like betrayal.
“We need to talk,” I state as plain as day.
Her whispered response gives nothing away.
“I know.”
Chapter 13 – Cheyanne
guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m the only one who waves as we exit Wendi and Penny’s home. The others are carrying Domino out, which fits him better than Punk Rocker. And Casper—not Captain—is still glaring at the vet. But I also notice his tented pants.
What? I’m a woman. I look. Don’t let anyone tell you that they don’t notice those things on guys. It’s just like all guys notice when a girl’s nipples are poking out to say hi.
I didn’t miss that he gave her his number and told her to call him if anyone else showed up on her doorstep tonight either. Or that he told one of the many brothers who arrived to escort us back to stay behind instead.
I’m not in the habit of judging people or making assumptions about someone’s actions—mostly because I hate when people do it to me—but if all his brothers are ribbing him that he’s got a thing for the vet, is it really judging or just going along with the group’s combined conclusion?
“You sure you don’t want to stay and have the vet check you for fleas?”
“Shut it, Jumper. Just drive the cage,” Casper hisses, but his eyes remain on the vet’s house till it’s out of sight.
I’m stuck in the back with Mad Max and Kooper. Domino left before us in the other SUV. He wasn’t talking, but he was coherent enough to nod to a question or two asked his way.
The ride is quiet, which I’m fine with. I know what to expect next, even if I didn’t know it before I left my house this evening. I should have, but I didn’t. Would make sense that the Hounds figured all of this out, though I doubt they know my role. I don’t even fully understand it.
I just hope my chance of getting Candy out isn’t dead in the water after this. I might not like Duke, but he’s the closest I have to getting to those who might know where she is. If he got killed tonight, I’m back to square one, and I have zero clue where that starting line is.
The clubhouse isn’t what I expected when we’re allowed through the gates. I might know of the Hounds, but I didn’t do enough research on them to know more than that they’re a motorcycle club, the mother chapter is here in town, and they’ve got hot guys as members.
The compound is pretty large, encompassing a mechanic’s garage that’s closed at this hour. I see a few sheds in the dark lot and one giant-ass L-shaped building that we stop right in front of. Mad Max grabs my wrists and forces me out his side of the car as he guides me through the place. Others might think he’s dragging me, but my feet are moving of their own accord, and my stride is even with his. His hand might be on mine, but there’s no bruising grip. I’m not fighting this. It seems logical that I would be questioned for my part in all this.