Page 69 of Mad Max

We all laugh as Bass makes a move to dive for Gator, who easily steps back. It’s all in good fun, and no one really expects a fight. But if there is one, it wouldn’t be the first or last time a brother got in a few hits for good fun. And that’s all it is, good fun.

Well, till they spill someone’s drink or break shit. That’s just wasteful, and the club ain’t about dishing out more money if we don’t have to. We do if necessary, but if it’s over brothers fighting? Fuck that. That shit comes out of their pockets, and Law always tacks on a hefty interest fee that fucking sucks.

“He did what?” The scream draws all our eyes across the compound to Kitten. She was sitting with the other old ladies, but she’s now standing and looking ready to get her claws out. “That motherfucker! I’m going to kill him. You stay right there. I’m on the way.”

She’s marching to the exit, and half the damn club is on her heels. Not much pisses off Kitten. At least I’ve never seen her mad. Maybe once when we ran out of Diet Coke, but nothing like this. I look to Flint, and even he seems alarmed.

“Kitten, what’s going on? Who we killing, and how many body bags we bringing?” Flint asks as he catches his girl and grabs her arm to spin her around and face him.

“You ain’t killing anyone. That asshole is all mine. Goddamn bastard left my girl on the side of the road ’cause she wouldn’t put out. Fuck that shit. Only reason why I’m the one killing him and not Bailey is ’cause I got a yard to bury the fucker in.”

“Wait, that was Bailey?” I turn to see Ruby marching up to Kitten and Flint, along with Fairy, Lady, and Mama Bear, baby in her arms and all.

“Yeah. That asshole she was seeing just proved that he really is an asshole and not just because I didn’t like how he saw the club.”

“Well, you ain’t doing it alone, girl. That bitch of yours is my kind of woman. You go, I go,” Ruby says with a nod.

“Might want to check the head wound. Doubt you’ll do much damage if you were even given a shot,” Kooper snipes from the edge of the group.

“Fuck you very much. I’ve been putting men in their place since I was fourteen and grew boobs. Didn’t need Daddy and the club to fuck them up when they got too handsy, and I sure as shit don’t need it now. Believe it or not, I know how to cut a man’s dick off and get away with it. It ain’t my first rodeo.”

“What?” Law growls as he pushes the brothers out of the way to get in front of his daughter. Kooper’s moving in close as well, I notice.

She rolls her eyes. “We’ll talk about it later. I handled it. Mom knew, even helped, so don’t get all protective over shit that’s in the past. Just know I ain’t as weak as you like to assume I am ’cause I only show you the side you want to see. The doting daughter and all that shit. But remember, I came from you and Mom. Special K had a special way she did shit, and she taught me well.”

“Fucking hell.” Prez grabs his daughter and pulls her in tight, blocking us from seeing the tears that were slipping when she spoke. Got half a mind to think this is something she’s been holding on to for a while. Not the part about cutting a dick off, which just makes me shudder, but telling her dad what she really is capable of and how she hides it because he might not show that he wants to see it.

“Where is she?” The cold tone out of Gator’s mouth has the group looking to him as we ignore the father-daughter moment before us.

Kitten swallows before she glances at her man, then back to Gator. “East of Topeka. At a nightclub. He dropped her off on I-70. Think she was walking for a while, ’cause she said she couldn’t get signal on her cell for a bit till she got to the bar. Or I think that’s what she said. The reception was spotty at best, but I know she’s stranded.”

“What’s the name?”

Kitten is wringing her hands, and I have half a mind to think this is the woman Gator’s got his eye on. Going off a gut feeling from the way he keeps demanding shit from Flint’s woman, and that Flint ain’t stepping in to tell him to back off. Brothers know when not to impede a claiming. You only do so if you’re also interested in the same woman, or you know something that would fuck that brother up. Flint’s smiling, so he must not have a problem with this shit.

“Tied Up and Tied Down.”

“Fuck,” Gator hisses as he spins on his heel and heads for his bike. Even I know what kind of club that is. Pretty fucking obvious with that kinda name. No way would I want my woman in a place like that, at least not without me.

“Let’s go. I’ll drive.” Ruby pushes out of her father’s hands and grabs Kitten. “Last thing Bailey needs is an alpha male making shit worse after the night she had. Let’s go, ladies. You’re in this too.”

Lady kisses her man’s cheek as she walks by him, but he grabs her and spins her around for a more appropriate goodbye kiss.

“Take note of what you like, and if you’re good, we might go back,” he says as he slaps her ass and sends her on her way.

A blush stains her cheeks, but the girl knows not to be embarrassed that we could all hear Bulldog’s command. She holds her head high as she follows Kitten and Ruby.

“Here you go. The bottle is ready for him when he wakes up. Think you’ve got another thirty minutes before then.” Mama Bear passes her bundle of joy into the arms of her man, who looks shocked as hell.

“Wait, what? You can’t just go beat the shit out of someone. You’re a mom now,” Chains protests with a look of panic on his face as he cradles his son.

“Yeah, and you’re a dad. Meaning you’ve got to handle this shit when I go handle Hounds shit. Whether you like it or not, Ruby’s just as much in charge as Law is. She says to do shit, you do the shit. Not only that, but I also like Bailey, and I ain’t about to let her have a crappy night if I can help it. So kiss me goodbye, smack my ass like Bulldog did his woman, and get your daddy work on. And if you’re good, I’ll make it up to you when I get back.” She waggles her eyebrows a few times, and all Chains does is roll his eyes before he does as he’s told.

“You, too, Fairy. Might need your throwing arm,” Ruby throws over her shoulder.

My eyes go wide, and I turn to my woman, who looks around like she misheard what was said. Then she does this adorable thing and points to her chest, asking the group that’s still standing with us, “Me?”

I smile as I close in on her, grabbing her up in my arms and kissing her neck. “Yeah, babe. Have fun. Try not to get blood on the new blades.”