“That’s bullshit. How’s she really doing?”
I don’t hide my eye roll. Of course he wouldn’t trust me and defers to Mad Max. Jimmy always wants a second opinion when I get hurt, never trusting that I’ll tell him the truth.
I guess in a way he’s right, though. I’m not fine. I’m sore, I ache, and sometimes it even hurts to breathe. But I’m also enjoying every second I get with my man and that group of his who have included me in everything. If I weigh the good and bad, I think saying, “I’m fine,” is the most accurate middle ground.
“Had General send you the scans. You saw nothing was broken, just bruises. Been making sure she’s taking it easy, and no heavy lifting.”
I stare wide-eyed at Mad Max, having zero clue he sent my uncle information about me. I’m not mad, not in the slightest. Makes me happy to know he did it. That he knows that no matter what Jimmy did, no matter that he’s locked up, I still want him in every part of my life I can get. If he was out of prison, no doubt he would have beaten us to the hospital if we’d called him. Hell, I half wonder if he wouldn’t have forced himself into the club to keep tabs on me.
“Yeah, saw them. You guys get the fucker who did that to her yet?”
Nothing says thank you from my uncle like demanding more intel.
“Not yet. He went underground. Hounds are tracking. We know he hasn’t gone back home yet. Had a call with his prez. That guy won’t say shit to us other than his VP ain’t there. We’ll find him. Got half the club out searching even now. Hounds have a vested interest in this one. We won’t rest till he’s under one of our boots.”
To say finding Duke is my beast’s pet project is an understatement. I’ve gotten close to a few of the old ladies, including Kitten. She told me all about her run-in with Duke, and I now know that Flint is also majorly involved in finding him and inflicting pain. Lots and lots of pain is in store for that guy with the number of people he’s pissed off in the club.
Law is also on that bandwagon. I think Ruby is too. Primarily ’cause she hates the new rule of forced proximity she’s getting from the club. Apparently, she had some sort of deal with her dad before all this. She was able to live a life away from the club, even if it was just a little. She felt a bit of freedom, but that’s all gone now. I tried to tell her it wasn’t that bad, that at least her dad’s still letting her go to college. Having a security detail move in and follow her to all her classes isn’t that big a deal.
Then again, at least with my uncle, he had his people pretend not to be there. So I didn’t know till after the fact when he told me at my second college graduation. I’ve never had a normal life, so I guess I don’t know what all the fuss is. Of course, I also completed college before I could learn to drive. Things are probably a bit different if you know what normal is and expect it.
“You need help?”
I raise my eyebrows at Jimmy. And I’m not the only one.
My uncle doesn’t offer to help. He prefers for others to ask, and then he gets something in return for his efforts. He isn’t the type to give things away for free. And him helping? That’s about as free as it gets with him.
“Hush, Boo,” he tells me.
“I didn’t say anything.”
He looks away with a shake of his head. “You didn’t have to. I can read you like a book.” He cuts his eyes back at us, nodding to Mad Max as he explains, “Hounds might have a claim on you now, but I claimed you long before they got here.”
“Claim?” This is the part I don’t get. I glance at my uncle with a tilt to my head, then turn to Mad Max. “Like property? What property do you share? Are you buying land or something?” I’m asking the guy next to me, but I look across the table to watch the other man in my life, wondering if there’s more property in his name that I overlooked. I went through everything when he was locked up, liquidating things he asked me to—and maybe hiding some others he didn’t want the agency to find.
“Not that type of claim, Boo.”
I’m trying to figure it out on my own, but I ultimately just shake my head and shrug in defeat. I don’t get it. I’ll look it up when I get my phone that I left in the car. Maybe Google can explain it to me. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve consulted the internet to understand things others got that I didn’t. One of the many side effects of being forced to learn everything at a young age just because I was good at it.
Laughter startles me out of my head. The fact that it comes from my uncle shocks me. In fact, the whole room goes dead silent. So many eyes are on us, I find myself waving to complete strangers. None of them return the wave, but few ever do, so I’m not put off by it.
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” Jimmy’s still laughing, but at least the others have ignored us again.
When I look to my beast, his face is pinched tight. In this lighting, I get why Mad Max is his name. His expression says he’s about to rip this entire place to shreds. My uncle included.
“Told her everything she needs to know.”
“Relax, boy. I’m sure you thought you did.” Jimmy wipes his eyes, having laughed so hard, he teared up a bit. He talks as if I’m not there, but again, I’m used to it and not bothered by it. “But you’ve got to tell it to her in terms that are going to be used around her. She needs to know what she’s walking into. You’re obviously more than just someone watching over my niece, ain’t cha?”
I'm not sure if my face is turning red. Still never looked in a mirror when I feel my cheeks get hot, I have no idea if others can tell when they do it or not. More than my cheeks are getting hot, though. Hell, it feels like a sauna in here, but I don’t think anyone else is sweating. The couple visiting their son across from us are still in their jackets. I know they usually run this place like an icebox, but I swear they put the heater on. At least over me. Two minutes ago.
“No. Not going to deny it. Not today, not tomorrow,” Mad Max growls as he sits up a bit straighter.
I lean forward in my chair, feeling like this is a pivotal moment, but I have no idea what’s going on as my uncle and my beast stare at each other for a very long time. Only till Jimmy smiles, and then Mad Max does too. I don’t know which one to look at, as both so rarely smile.
“What am I missing?”
“You going to tell her?” Jimmy says with a raised eyebrow but still doesn’t look at me.