Page 62 of Mad Max

“Never been scared before,” I continue. “Not even when I got locked up.”

Her hands brushes through my wet hair and pushes it off my face. “I’m okay.”

I find it strange that she knows what I need to hear even before I do. But those two words finally let the fear release its hold, and I sink my head to her thighs. She continues to run her hands through my hair, not caring that it’s still a bit damp. I breathe deep and let the worry of the day finally drain from my body. I might have known she was safe for a while, but the fear was still clinging to me like a second skin. I don’t like the feeling.

Guess it helps that I know she can take care of herself, though. Images of her throwing that knife swarm through my mind and make me smile as I kiss her leg. She’s badass in her own right.

I nuzzle my nose against her till it reaches the trimmed curls between her thighs, then lick through them to feel her folds. Having her on my tongue is amazing. Not ’cause she tastes good, but because I can taste her, touch her, feel her beneath me. Everything is twice as good now that I have her in my arms. I’m not about to forget that there was a possibility that she could have been taken from me. That the last time we were together could have been the last time. I vow to myself that I won’t let a day go by where I don’t worship this body. That I don’t pay homage to it and taste all it has to offer. Never know what the day will bring, but I don’t want to regret not enjoying each moment I have with her. When the time comes for us to part, I want the memories to keep us warm at night. Be it me alone without her or her surviving after I’m gone, we’ll always be together in memory.

The feel of her gripping my hair, pulling at it slightly as she arches into me, is more than I can take. I pull off her pretty little pussy, kissing it one last time before I start moving back up her body, continuing my kissing path as I go.

“I don’t trust well. Haven’t since I was kid and learned that when people say things, it doesn’t mean they’ll follow through.” I lick around her belly button. “Mom raised me the best she could, but she knew I never trusted her. Wasn’t till I met Special K and Law one day that things changed.” I nibble up each side of her ribs, kissing the bruises and trying to keep her from squirming too much. A few are bruised, but none are broken. I need to be careful, but that doesn’t mean I need to stop playing. “He promised me a place in the club, a brotherhood that would have my back. Told me I didn’t need to trust all of them, just him to lead us down the right path.”

I reach her tits and just look at them for a second. They deserve so much more than just a little kiss, so I take one of her nipples in my mouth and suck hard. My eyes are open, and I watch as her head tilts back and her eyes close on a parted sigh. I use my tongue to flick the nipple up and down before biting down on it once more. I grab her other tit and push it toward me, closing the distance before putting my mouth on it and giving it the same treatment as the other. She writhes under me, absentmindedly pressing her womanhood against me. It has me groaning to feel this fairy under me all wiggly like.

With a parting kiss, I grab both breasts in my hands, pinching her nipples slightly with my thumbs and index fingers. Then I thrust against her waiting pussy without entering, sliding my dick between her folds as I push up till I’m face-to-face with her.

“Not sure if it’s because of me knowing your uncle or just that you didn’t seem to pull away from my prison tat, but I trust you. I trust that you won’t harm me or my brothers. That my life and those I’m close with are safe in your hands. And I trust that you know what you’re doing, and now I know you can handle yourself if I’m not there. But….”

I take a moment to settle my weight a bit more on her to still her movements. This isn’t about getting laid. It’s more than that. She’s more than that.

“I was willing to break protocol for you. Half the reason we blew the other place up was because I was already going against Law’s orders to stand down the first time I heard you get hit. I defied my boss for you, and I’ll do it again. I will break every rule, tear down every door, kill every person in my way to get to you.” I swallow, knowing the next part is hard for me to say, but it’s nothing but the truth, and she deserves to hear it. “I’d go back to prison for you.”

Her eyes search mine as she takes in my words. I’m hoping she’s seeing what I’m saying. I might not voice the three words, but I’m saying more than I love you. I’m giving her all that I am, laying it all out there for her. She’s it for me, and I will do whatever I have to do to keep her safe.

“And I would change for you.”

The air rushes from me like I’ve been sucker punched. I would never ask her to change for me. Never. Not her appearance, the way she dresses. Not her job or how she acts around others. I know that’s been asked of her before; I can just tell her family and others tried to make her change. She’s strong-willed, I know. And she doesn’t do anything except for herself anymore. Not since her parents died. Her uncle spoke about her often enough that I might have fallen in love with her from his stories alone, and seeing her was just the icing on the cake.

Changing her is like a death sentence. Just like going back to prison is for me. But we each would do it for the other. We would end our lives, in a way, for the other to be happy.

If that’s not love, I don’t know what is, nor do I want to.

I seal my lips against hers, and she wraps her arms around my neck. I buck once, and she widens her legs even more so that on the next move, my dick slides right in. I never release her perfect lips as I begin to slowly fuck her.

Never made love before. Thought I’d fucked a girl every way there was, but I was wrong. Fairy makes me think everything before her was wrong and only she’s right. My hands are still on her tits, and a few twists on her nipples have her arching even more into me, scraping my scalp with her nails as she clenches the sides of my head.

I pick up speed, and her mouth attacks mine in response. I give as good as I get, moving one hand to the back of her neck to not only angle her as I like but to also get a fucking hold on her. I can’t get enough of her, and when I feel her crash over, I follow along like a willing victim.

When we slow, we don’t break apart, just sink into lazy kisses that don’t seem to end. And I don’t want them to. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

Fairy’s it for me. And I’m the beast for her.

Chapter 27 – Cheyanne


top trying to cover it up, Boo. Already seen it when I came in and knew about it before y’all came in. Only thing I need from you is to tell me how you’re feeling.” Jimmy continues to glare at me as he’s escorted to our visitor table.

I should have realized that he’d know what happened. He’s that kind of guy. He never tells me where he gets his information, but I have a feeling the agency still talks with him—unofficially, of course.

I wave to him as he sits, and then I put my hands on the table and stop trying to fix my hair to cover half my face. I put on makeup to hide the bruises, but not even the best concealer could help some of these. After a few days, my face showed the true impact of the backhand to the cheek and the kick to the chin. Pretty is not a word anyone would use to describe me right now.

Not that Mad Max seems to agree. Guy can’t take his eyes off me. And not in a creepy “can’t look away from the train wreck in front of me” kind of way.

That man’s got eyes on me ’cause he wants them on me. Just like I’ve got eyes on him all the time. Ever since we told each other that we’d be willing to go against our nature for the other, things have changed for us. All for the better and all just small. Neither of us changed who we are, and neither wants us to.

“I’m okay.”