I get a funny look from Mad Max, but Bulldog starts barking with laughter.
“Oh my God, how did we not see that?” The other two men look at him like he’s crazy while I just nod in agreement with him. “Stormtrooper. Would have been fucking fantastic. Man, Flint’s going to shit a brick when he learns he passed up on the opportunity to give him that road name.”
“So there is a person who keeps track of all the road names?”
“Sure, honey. How else do you expect us not to all have the same name, like Bear or Ryder? Or some other shit names that seem to be the same in all other clubs?”
I cut my eyes from Law to my beast and just glare as his lip goes up in a side smile. He knew and pretended he didn’t. Bastard. I still love him, but he’s still a bastard.
“We got a problem,” General says as he comes back, but I’ve got a feeling he doesn’t want to be here. He’s quick with putting some gauze on my chin to finish me up. When I got kicked in the face, it didn’t split my skin open, but it did leave a very large abrasion that was filled with dirt from the boot Duke was wearing. General had told me I’d be getting this to keep it clean while it heals. I can already tell I don’t like it after thirty seconds of having it on. It itches like hell.
“What’s up?” Bulldog speaks for the group, and I see him bulk up as he takes a power stance. Even Mad Max rises from the chair he was sitting in.
“Mama Bear is losing too much blood, and the doc can’t figure out where it’s coming from. They’re pulling her in for surgery now to do an emergency C-section to get the kid out before they try and stop the bleeding. But that’s not the worst of it.”
“What is?” Law asks.
“She’s O-negative. We have some on hand, but I’m not sure how low we are. We just got hit with a few bad cases this month. It’s going to be tight if we just have enough and tough as hell to get a donor this late.”
“Any of the boys able?” Law asks.
“No, already checked.”
“I am.” I just look back at them as they stare me down. “I can help.”
“You sure? You just went through some shit yourself,” General questions.
“Why not? Don’t think I’ll be leaving the hospital anytime soon as it is. Might as well use me while you have me.”
Law is decent enough to cough to cover his laugh. Bulldog just laughs outright while General continues to stare as if he’s trying to determine if I’m serious or not. Mad Max is the only one just smiling, ’cause he probably already knows I won’t back out of this now that I said it. It’s just blood. I don’t need all of it to heal.
“All right, I’ll be back in a second with everything. Get comfy, you’re going to be here for a while.” General leaves the room, and Bulldog is quick to follow his lead.
“Going to check on Chains. Guy’s probably freaking, and I doubt the kids are doing well.”
“Right, I’ll be there soon to help,” Law says.
Bulldog nods and heads out as Law turns to me. “You did good, honey. Real good. Just want you to know that. The club appreciates what you’re doing now too. You need something, just ask. I’m proud of you.”
I swallow the golf-ball-sized lump of emotion in my throat and nod as Law squeezes my ankle before leaving. I blink rapidly, not wanting to cry. Not even sure why I would. Maybe it’s ’cause other than my uncle, no one has ever said I did good before. And not even he ever told me he was proud of me. Even though I feel that with him, he never has to say it. I know what I mean to Jimmy. I’m the only one he loves, the only one he fights for. I accept that and repay it tenfold in my own ways by making sure he never feels too alone in prison. I do what I can to keep things going on the outside for him and be there for him when I can. He knows this; I know he does.
And with thoughts of him settling inside me, it lets me take the calming breath I need before looking back over at the only person left in the room.
“So….” I let my words trail off, not sure what to say.
My beast just stares at me, not saying much with words but saying a lot with everything else. He ain’t leaving. He’s beside me the whole way. We’ve got something between us, and we’re going to make it work for both of us after we get out of here.
Or… I’ve interpreted it wrong, and he just thinks I’m odd for crying. It happens. But I don’t think I’m wrong on this one.
“You think they got squeeze pouches here?” I give him half a smile, one he doesn’t return.
“Nope. But I’ve already got a prospect out buying you some.”
Yeah, this is love. I’m totally, completely, truly, madly in love. Because that is by far the sexiest thing any man has ever said to me before.
Chapter 26 – Mad Max