His deep rumble sends shivers down my spine before I even look at him. Seeing him tower over me only reminds me of the way he maneuvered my body for his benefit last night. Or was it mine? I got off, too, so it wasn’t like he was alone in that matter.
I tilt my head. “Does anyone ever have the same code name?”
“Code name?”
“Yeah, like Casper, Mad Max, and Kooper. Code names.”
He sits with a grin. “Road names, baby, not code. Club road names.”
“Oh. Well, does anyone have the same as someone else?”
He shrugs. “Don’t know. Maybe, but I don’t think so.”
“How do you get one?”
“Usually got to do something stupid that people remember. Knew a guy who we all called Next Stop because when we asked if he wanted to stop, since a vamp was passed out on the back of his ride, he just said, ‘Next stop.’ Guy cared about making good time and not if the chick behind him was okay. Like I said, stupid shit that people remember.”
“So, what did you do to get yours?”
He shrugs, a deep shoulder movement. “Got mad, I guess.”
I squint. “That it?”
“Guess so.”
“You got mad, and now they call you Mad Max, like the movie guy?”
“Nah, name’s really Max. They just put the Mad in front of it.”
I grab my squeeze pouch. Yeah, I’ve been loving the pack he bought me. On the last one already. I suck down the Kool-Aid goodness as I think over what he said.
“I think you need a committee,” I say finally.
“A committee?”
“Yeah, someone to vet these road names. Not saying yours is bad, but I think they could have come up with something better.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Maybe Hammer ’cause you don’t move unless you need to. Or Inside Man, since you were, you know, inside.” He laughs, and I just roll my eyes. “Obviously I wouldn’t be part of it. If I was, you’d get a name like—"
“Beast?” He says it with a rasp in his voice and somehow sucks out all the air in the room in one.
I nod. “Yeah, something like that.”
We lock eyes, and I feel the air between us charge. We’re two seconds away from causing an epic explosion.
But a bomb goes off in front of us instead. My burner phone suddenly rings on the table, the ID screen showing the caller’s name.
Chapter 20 – Mad Max
uck, I hate this part.”
I agree, but for a whole other reason than Domino. While he might hate not knowing what’s going on, I do know, and I hate it even more.