Page 37 of Mad Max

“Wait, you heard that?”

I’ll give it to her, she doesn’t show an ounce of fear as she spins in her chair to confront her man. Kitten must know, like the rest of us, that Flint might yell and shout, but he would never hurt his old lady.

“Yeah, I heard it. And now you’re going to hear this.” He leans in, caging her in her chair as he puts both hands on the table behind her. “Did you ever for one fucking second think that maybe I can’t get enough of you? That when you get your hands on me, I can’t think straight except to get you naked? Once I kiss you, I can’t imagine anything better till I get my hands on you. But then all I think is how good your pussy feels around my cock. Do I want a blow job from my old lady? Fuck yeah. But I’m addicted to being inside you and can’t think of a better way to do it. So no, I ain’t fucking doing a highlight reel in my head or going someplace else. I want you, Kitten. I would love for you to go down on me, but I just love that tight pussy so much that I never even think about anything but that. Hell, if I know your mouth, it’ll have me coming in like five seconds. I’m already pushing it with the fifteen seconds it seems to take from your cunt, baby. Don’t make this harder on me.”

“How about we aim for seven? Two seconds in my mouth and five in my pussy. That should work, right?”

We all laugh at the things coming out of Kitten. She’s got a way with words.

“Fucking hell, Kitten,” Flint groans. “Don’t know how many times you need me to say it, but you’re stuck with me. So get your ass up and follow me so I can show you just how much you’re mine.”


I nod in agreement with Ruby as Kitten launches herself onto her man. He catches her easily, grabbing her ass with both hands while they make out.

I watch, like most of the club, as they stagger to the back, not coming up for air once. It’s impressive as hell that they can do that and not fall over or run into a wall. Probably helps that everyone got out of their way. I also don’t miss that Fairy is waving at them as they go—not that they see.


Bulldog’s growl has me turning back to the table. Lady looks up, almost horrified. Doubt she hears that tone from her man much. Not like the rest of the club does when he goes full VP mode on someone who does something stupid.

“Thought we talked about this, but looks like you’re going to make me repeat myself. And in front of my brothers at that. What we got going on in the bedroom only works if you communicate. I watch you; I know what you like. But I also know you keep shit locked up tight if you think it’ll cause problems. I ain’t no mind reader. I might get nine out of ten things right, but it’s that fucking last one you got to speak up about.”

“Okay,” she squeaks, and I share a smirk with the fairy. Think we all know what type of relationship they share. Not judging, just didn’t know. I might have heard rumors about Bulldog’s ball gag collection, but I never knew Lady was the submissive type. Guess you can’t really tell who a person is based on a dossier of their past.

I hold in my internal grunt at my own epiphany. Now isn’t the time to be having philosophical thoughts about how shit should go down with Cheyanne. Not sure when the right time is, but probably not when the VP is talking about getting laid.

“Got no problem with you sucking my cock,” Bulldog continues. “Do it every fucking day if you want. Don’t like that you would rather talk to your girls than me, but you got one thing right: I don’t like losing my mind when it comes to you. Can’t give you what you need if I’m the one out of it. Rather stave off my own enjoyment while getting you there. ’Cause, baby? That’s the best fucking part, seeing you explode.”

He leans in low, brushing the hair behind her ear, but speaks for everyone to hear. Not ashamed in the slightest, and he shouldn’t be. We’ve all got our kinks. No one gives a shit what they do as long as it’s all consensual.

“Now be a good girl and say goodbye to your friends. Ma came and got Princess for the night. I ain’t going to lose another moment with these dicks when I can be spanking your ass red for not speaking up sooner. If you’re good, I’ll let you suck my cock before I fuck you with it. Now get your ass up and get to our room. You got twenty seconds, and I’m counting now.”

Her eyes go wide for a second before she’s out of her chair and running to the room the VP has reserved at the club. Most officers have a place here, though not many use them, as they all got their own places elsewhere.

He chuckles as he follows, even waving back to Fairy as he goes. He counts loud enough for his woman to hear, winking to the rest of the ladies at the table as he does.

Chains closes in on the table and looks his old lady in the eye. “Guess that just leaves you and me, Mama Bear.”

“Can you at least remember that I said some good things too?”

“Probably not.” At least he’s smiling as he says it, causing his woman to groan and smash her head to the table.

He leans down, rubbing her back as he speaks to her, forcing a moan of pleasure from her lips as he digs his kneading fingers in deep on her lower back. “I ain’t scared to fuck you, woman. Don’t give a fuck if the kid can feel it. He’s going to know soon enough that I love his mama and she’s it for me. That I love her body and the feel of it beneath my hands. That making her scream my name and keeping everyone awake at night is my only goal in life. I bend you over ’cause I love seeing your tits wiggle with each pound I give you from behind. And don’t even get me started on how I like seeing your ass jiggle.” He pinches her ass and catches her as she jumps up, cradling her protectively while still kneeling at her side.

“I love you, woman. Don’t care what you think, I love you and find your body sexy as hell. If you want to ride me, then fuck yeah, that’s what we’re going to do. If there’s one thing I promised never to do, it’s to leave my wife unsatisfied.”

“You didn’t say that in the vows.”

“It was implied.”

She snorts. “When?”

“When I said ‘I do.’” He goes in for the kill, sealing her lips with a kiss before breaking it. Unlike Flint, he needs his eyes. Always cautious of how he cares for his woman and soon-to-be son, he scoops both up in his arms and carries them away bridal style.

Mama Bear smiles up at him like the hero she worships him to be, waving back to Cheyanne as they go.

“Well, that killed the party like nothing ever would. Not sure if I should be mad or not. Got a major case of jealous blue balls. But—” Ruby looks at her wrist and grins wide upon reading the time. “—looks like luck is on my side. If I leave now, I can make the kegger being thrown in the dorm across the street from my building. Might even get real lucky, if you catch my drift. Later, new girl.”