“Wait. Shut the fuck up. You already slept with him?” Ruby’s demanding, glaring at me, but I don’t know why.
“Yeah.” I keep my answers short and brief, not sure what she wants from me.
“Then what’s the problem? You already got the guy. Why are we even talking about this?”
“Maybe she wants advice on how to become more than a fuck buddy,” Izzy states.
“Or how old lady status really works,” Maddy says, but she looks at the others and not me when she does it.
“Or how to get him to fuck her again if she isn’t getting any more.” Jules ignores the slaps on her hands as she reaches for the last of the chips on Maddy’s plate.
“Well, that’s easy. Just take your clothes off in front of him. Never seems to be a problem for me when I do that.” Ruby shrugs, and I swear I hear extra cursing behind her, but I’m not sure who or where it came from. “Or hell, just get on your knees and give him a blow job. Never known a man to turn one of those down.”
“I would love to suck my old man’s cock, but he won’t let me.” Izzy pouts as she drains the rest of her beer.
“And why the fuck is Bulldog holding out? You guys get in a fight or some shit?”
Thank God Ruby’s here. She asks all the questions I want to know.
“Oh, don’t let her fool you. He ain’t holding out. She’s just upset that he won’t let her go down on him as much as she likes. He prefers to be in control, and apparently when she’s sucking his cock, he basically gives up all control. But at least she’s getting some,” Maddy says with a pout of her own.
“Wow, I feel like we’re at a sex anonymous counseling thing. What’s Chains’ doing—or not doing—to you?” Jules asks, all giddy as she sips her Diet Coke through a straw.
“Sex. Thinks the baby will feel it or some shit. Not saying he’s gone cold turkey, but he has only one position he prefers. Somehow thinks it’s better for the kid.”
I can’t hold back my question. “What position?”
“Doggy style. And don’t get me wrong, I get off on it, well, because Chains is there, so I always get off. Guy is good like that. All I want, though, is to do something not on my hands and knees. Is it too much to ask for cowgirl every now and again? Don’t answer that. I know that isn’t an option either. It might be my favorite, but I know I’ll be all in my head the whole time thinking he’s looking at a whale above him with how big I’ve gotten these last few weeks.” Her eyes widen. “God, maybe that’s it.”
“What’s it?” Izzy asks for us.
“I weigh too much. He doesn’t want me to crush him.”
“Ah, I don’t think you can crush him. He’s sitting by Bulldog over there, right?” She nods as she looks over in the direction I point. “Statistically, you need over five hundred pounds to crush a person’s head, and some say that one cubic inch of bone can take over nineteen thousand pounds. I don’t know what you weigh, but proportion-wise, you don’t fit into that category.”
“Thanks… I think.”
Ruby turns to Jules with a grin. “So, what about you? Got a complaint about your old man? He holding out in any way? Not letting you suck his cock?”
“It’s fine.” Jules waves it off quickly, and that only gets an eyebrow raise from Ruby and the rest of us.
“Fine? That’s not a good word people use to describe their sex life. This is a safe zone, so speak, girl. Give us the deets. He make you do any weird shit while sucking it?”
“No, he doesn’t ask.” She takes a long sip of her Diet Coke before she continues. “I’ve never given head, actually. I might have, but I don’t recall it, so I’m saying I haven’t. I got most of the memory back, but parts are still fuzzy.”
“What do you mean, you never gave a blow job? Flint is basically known for demanding it on the spot. I’ve almost had to burn my eyes out from how many times I saw him getting head around here before you showed up. The guy practically sings about how he loves a chick’s lip wrapped around his dick,” Ruby yells in exasperation.
Jules shrugs as she looks down at her drink, not making eye contact with any of us. “Well, he isn’t asking me to do it. Either he doesn’t want me to tarnish the memories he has of others, or he’s just getting them on the side and not telling me. I like to live in a world of ignorant bliss, and I can live with that. Either way, I prefer to stay in the dark. No news is good news.”
Chapter 16 – Mad Max
hat’s fucking bullshit!” Flint’s roar echoes across the room, drawing all eyes. Bulldog and Chains are no match to keep him back. Not when his old lady thinks he’s cheating on her.
“Let him go,” Law says, but it’s not needed. Flint already broke free from their grasp and is marching toward his woman. Most of us follow, leaving Law at the table alone till Kooper comes over and gives him company.
“Do you really fucking think I’m stepping out on you, Kitten? Jesus fucking Christ.”