Page 34 of Mad Max


ute top.”

“Thanks.” I give Maddy a tight-lipped smile, hoping it’ll help keep me from saying more. Doubt anyone really wants to hear about how I was given seven minutes to pack anything of importance in my place with zero notice of how long I would be gone for, and I chose it at random.

Okay, Mad Max gave me ten minutes, but three were spent packing up my laptop and making sure I had all my work stuff with me to do my job. Perks of being an independent contractor, I can work anywhere as long as I get a decent Wi-Fi signal.

While I understand the Hounds’ need to watch my every move, I don’t see why I need to move into the clubhouse. But when I voiced it, no one said anything, so I just kept packing. It’s a miracle I even have this off-the-shoulder purple tank. I was just throwing handfuls of things into a bag as the timer clicked away on me.

I’m not even sure why I’m here. This is a family thing, as so many have told me. I don’t even like parties, but this is my second one in two weeks, and I can’t recall one I went to in the two years before that. I don’t ignore the invites, but I usually don’t get the initial invite at all. Only reason I was at the last one was because Benny, my date, wanted to go. And we all know why he did.

I know I’m just here for them to keep their eye on me. Not that anyone has said that, but it’s the most obvious thing. The fact that no brothers are directly nearby as I sit with the old ladies is the surprising factor. Never expected Bulldog to let me get so close to his girl after what he said to me in the basement.

I don’t miss the glare he keeps on his face as he and a group of them sit on the other side of the bar. Close, but not able to hear anything. Maybe they do trust me after all. Or at least enough not to hurt any of the women they love.

“Hi, I’m Ruby, Law’s kid. Who do you belong to?” Maybe the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen sits opposite me, throwing her purse on the table as she goes, acting like she owns the place. Guess she kind of does, in a way.

I do my wave that gets a raised eyebrow from her in return. “No one. I got an uncle in prison if that’s what you’re asking.”

“He try to hurt you?” Maddy inquires, followed quickly by Izzy asking, “Was he after you for something?”

“Um, no. To both questions. And, Izzy, you were there the last time I talked about my uncle.”

She looks at me like I lost my mind, but for once, I’m not imagining things. “The night of that house party? I was there with Benny, and you introduced me to your man? I came over and started to talk to Mad Max about seeing him again. Any of this ringing a bell?”

“Girl, you already gave the clue that explains so much. She was there with her old man. The moment those two get together, nothing else exists. They’re almost as bad as Mama Bear and her man,” Ruby says with a sort of laugh.

“Hey! Me and Chains don’t do that,” Maddy protests Ruby’s claim, and I just watch the show play out.

“Right. Tell me again, when was the last time you saw me?”

She rolls her eyes as if it’s obvious. “Three nights ago, when I picked up Teddy and Grace at your place.”

“Nope.” I love how she pops the P, and I lean in on the table to watch this woman. She’s fucking amazing with the black-and-pink braided hair that swings to her ass. Izzy has this whole upper-class blonde corporate look going for her, with a pink bra showing under her white tank. Maddy’s got this intricate messy braid that looks effortless and cute Daisy Dukes on. Both girls alone turn heads, but Ruby’s got that whole other aura about her. I want to be her. She’s sex walking and badass bitch all rolled into one. “It was yesterday when I came in to talk to Pops about next semester’s classes. We had a whole conversation, but it was in between you sucking face with that hubby of yours.”

A blush stains Maddy’s cheeks, but she doesn’t deny it, and I find myself smiling at the action.

“So, you got an uncle in jail and know Mad Max. You his?”

Guess I’m back to being Ruby’s main focus. Not that I mind. I’ve been sitting here with Maddy and Izzy for about an hour, and it’s been mostly just them talking. Not that I was left out, but this is really the first time I’ve been asked more than what I want to drink.

“Don’t think so,” I answer honestly. Never been one to hide things from others; never seen the need for it. Unless I’m pretending to be someone I’m not, and that’s just to find Candy. But I’m not working that job tonight, so I can just be me. Honest me.

“That sounds like you don’t know, not that you don’t want to. What’s holding you back? Him being in the club? Your uncle? Your job? Don’t know if he wants you?”

I shrug. “Sure.”

“Which one?” Izzy asks as she starts nibbling on the plate of chips in front of Maddy, who just glares at her. I don’t want to assume anything, but I think Maddy’s pregnant. No one’s talking about it, and I’m not going to ask. Seen too many bad memes about people asking when the baby is due only to find out the girl was never pregnant. I’m already a guest in this house—even if it is by force. No need to start insulting the members.

“All of them, I guess.”

“The club shouldn’t be a problem,” Ruby tosses out like it’s a done deal.

I shrug. “Don’t think they trust me.”

The girls exchange a look, and Ruby is now the one to shrug it off. “You’re here, ain’t you? They trust you more than a vamp if they’re letting you in on a family day. Boys get protective with family. They don’t let anyone close unless they trust them a little.”

“Why don’t you think they trust you?” Maddy chimes in as she munches on her chips, moving the plate closer to herself and glaring again at Izzy, who just rolls her eyes at her antics.