Page 23 of Mad Max

Casper’s the one who answers Flint’s musing. “Maybe. Either way, this shit doesn’t make her look that innocent. Especially if she feels comfortable enough to give Duke a hug.”

Not sure what’s making me grind my teeth more: that my fairy could be the enemy or that she’s letting the enemy touch her.

I’ve never been a fan of the Devils Damned VP, but I especially started to hate him once I learned he went after Flint’s old lady and breached our territory. Chains' suspicion about his involvement in Mama Bear's kidnapping might be correct, and it wouldn’t be surprising. The guy is a bottom dweller who I would have enjoyed shanking in prison, if given the opportunity.

Looks like I’ll just have to do it on the outside and make sure not to get caught. Which I doubt my brothers will let me. Hell, they’d be the ones covering my ass the entire time, making it a clean kill with no blowback on the club or me.

“Can anyone get closer to get me some audio?”

Kooper snorts his amusement at Flint’s request. “Sure. Right after I put on a dress and dance the hula. Wouldn’t want them to miss me or anything.”

“Shut up. I can make out some of it. He’s asking her about… inventing? Could be investing. Can’t tell without my scope,” Casper says softly.

“Shit, man. You can read lips?”

We all turn and glare at Domino, as he wasn’t quiet at all and apparently has no clue.

“Yeah, dipshit. Now why don’t you read mine and shut the fuck up. You’re going to get us caught if you keep talking so loud. Damn, you’re worse than Bass.”

Casper turns back to watch the exchange, and I fight a grin as I hear a mumbled “I am not” from Domino followed by a quick “Yeah you are” from Kooper.

Boys. That’s what we are. Boys dressed up to look badass but boys nonetheless. And brothers at that. The best fucking brothers.

“Shut it,” I growl. My need to know what’s going on has me craving the quietness in the hope that I can hear what’s being said.

Both stop, and we all turn our attention to the group in front of us. Four guys inside that we can see, and the fairy standing in the middle of it all. Duke we know, but I got no clue on the others. One looks to have a bit of muscle, and two others are string beans. No one’s wearing a vest—not even Duke’s got his colors on right now. Not sure if he’s hiding it on account of him doing this without club approval or if he’s projecting some sort of image with his new investor.

“He’s wanting to know if she’s buying or selling. Says he can’t talk price till he sees what she brings in or till she tells him what she likes,” Casper shares.

“Fuck, I’m going to be sick. Why the fuck do they always make it sound like they're selling horses?” Domino whines.

“’Cause both can buck you off and fight for freedom till they get broken. Then they don’t fight at all.”

I feel everyone look at me. First time I’ve spoken since we got here, I think.

Domino sucks his teeth. “Shit, man, never thought of it like that. That’s deep, man. Real deep.”

“And morbid as shit,” Kooper adds. “Even if this girl looks innocent, this shit right here proves she’s not.”

“We don’t know that.” Not sure why I’m sticking up for this chick. She was a good lay, but it’s not like she’s my old lady. Don’t even know what she does for a living.

“Don’t we? She was at the party we threw to attract a certain clientele. What if she was exactly that type but we overlooked her ’cause she looks like she could fit in my pocket? Her uncle has his own reputation. Who’s to say she isn’t working with him or even took over for him, huh? I’m just asking, has anyone even done a check on this broad?” Kooper is making sense, for once in his life. And I hate the fuck out of it.

“Initial sweep showed nothing, but you’re right, Koop. And no, I won’t ever repeat that shit. I didn’t dive into her ’cause she looked clean and Lady vouched for her,” Flint chimes in, hearing everything we’re saying.

“Don’t let Bulldog hear you blame his old lady on this,” Casper says offhandedly as he keeps his eyes on the players.

“Shit, man, you’re right. I fucked up again. Fuck!” I lock down my body to keep from flinching, as Flint must have thrown something that the mics pick up, making them squeal in our ears.

“Ain’t on you. The whole club was at that party, and we’ve all been read in on this. We all saw her as a non-threat. The club didn’t look into her, not just our one solo guy in the tech booth. Chill out, man.” For all his faults, Domino’s got some pretty good moments too.

Comms go silent for a bit as we just watch the characters inside talk. Casper’s staring like he can levitate them all off the ground if he thinks long enough, but he ain’t repeating what they're saying anymore. Either he can’t see it or is just keeping it to himself till we get out of this place.

“Eyes up, everyone. You’ve got incoming.”

We all turn at Flint’s warning to track the two SUVs driving toward the building.

“This can’t be good,” Domino comments as we crouch down in the field we’ve all been using as cover. There are pros and cons to Kansas. A pro is there’s almost always a cornfield to use for hiding. Con? We ain’t the only ones who use this to our advantage.