Page 69 of Flint

“Fuck. Try the stairs,” I say as I jerk my head in the other direction.

We run, diving each time something explodes and glass shatters next to us. I push at the door, but it doesn’t open. Gator joins, but it won’t budge.

“They must have blocked it or some shit. Fuck.” The smoke makes me cough, and my eyes water. “We’ve got to find another way out. Not many offices left not on fire, and the cubicles are catching quickly.”

“This way.”

We run to the middle office, the one with the dead body in it. I don’t even look at it as Gator and I rush to the window. It’s sealed completely.

“Shoot it out,” I yell a second before we take aim and fire.

Once clear, I look down and see nothing. It’s a straight shot, not even a fucking bush in our way.

“Okay, Jules, you’re up.” I look behind me and see nothing. “Jules!” I scream, panic quickly taking over, till I catch sight of her in the office next door, going through files. Fucking files, when the office on the opposite side is in flames.

I really need to work on her priorities. Safety being her first one. Followed closely by always telling me shit before she does it.

“Fucking hell, Jules.” I run to her and try to pull her away. “We’ve got to go. What the fuck are you doing?”

She pulls out of my grasp and reaches into the filing cabinet, behind more than half the folders, and pulls something out. I don’t have time to see it as the wall next to us explodes. I cover her with my arm, but it doesn’t do much as we both get coated in glass. With no words needed, we run to the open window. The smoke is billowing out the window, and Gator is halfway out already.

Julianne grabs his extended hand, and I steady her as she puts one leg out. Looking down, I see my brothers.

“Drop her. We got her,” Casper yells up.

I don’t question it. Jules doesn’t either. She turns, facing the office, and Gator and I lower her as much as possible to the ground. We’re still three stories up, but anything to help lessen the fall is better than nothing. At least it’s trimmed grass beneath her and not concrete.

The boys shout to me to let her go, but I don’t till she looks at me. I nod once, and she does the same.

“Now.” Gator and I both drop her, and Bulldog and Chains cushion her fall, tumbling with her. They move her out of the way quickly.

“Ladies first.” Gator smirks as he gestures below.

“Asshole,” I say, but there ain’t much backing to it. Don’t give a fuck if I go first or not. Just want out of this place and in the arms of my woman.

I swing myself out, grabbing the windowsill to dangle lower than if I just jump from the ledge. I look down and fall, rolling as I touch the ground. The boys know better than to stand below me. I weigh too much and could easily fuck them up, or worse, they could fuck me up.

Gator is quick to drop too.

As soon as I can get to my feet, I have my girl in my arms. I hold her tight but know we have to get out of here.

“Got to get clear. You good to ride?” Casper asks.

Only then do my ears register the sirens getting closer. I nod but nothing more. I twisted my fucking ankle, and Gator is just bouncing around like nothing can touch him. Fucker.

We all round the corner and get to the bikes. I notice two are gone; fuckers must have gotten away. Jules is still wrapped around me, and I ain’t ashamed to admit I’m using some of her weight to take mine. Limping fucking sucks, but I’ll do what I’ve got to do to get us out of here.

The boys and I mount up. Jules jumps on back like a kitten running from water, quick to claw her fingers deep into me as I throw the throttle and get the hell out of this place.

I don’t breathe, not till we’re out of town and the sirens die down so the sound of my bike is all I hear. Only then do I let myself relax.

This shit ain’t done. No question the cops will get pulled in. Can’t really hide a dozen bikers running from a burning building. Duke is still out there, though God knows where. He might think he’s free of our wrath, but it just got started.

He tried to burn me and my old lady to the ground. I don’t take kindly to that, even if he had no clue we were in the building. Only person allowed to start fires where my girl is concerned is me. At that, it’s in the bedroom with my cock and her pussy, and enough heat to burn down the rafters.

I turn the bike off just in time to hear Law yell to close the gates. It’s just past three, gates closing this early only means lockdown. ’Cause it wasn’t just the club gate Law wanted shut but the one for the business. That’s the sign shit is down.

Kitten gets off the bike first and then me. I take her arm, ignoring the pain as I limp into the club. First table with an empty chair gets my ass sitting in it. I don’t think twice before I pull her down on my lap and just wait for the brothers to come in.