Page 65 of Flint

“You got her working on my files?” the snapping-fingers guy inquired, and I could see the sweat rolling down my boss’s cheek from where I stood.

“Are you Duke?” I asked at the same time Larry stammered, “No, not at all.”

“Oh, it’s fine, I’m just double-checking. It was in the processed files, and I routinely go through them—procedure and all. I noticed a few inconsistencies, and I’ll finish noting those and turn them back in on Monday or Tuesday, if you can spare the time. There are several, and I want to do a bit more of a dive to figure out where the double figures started.”

“No, I’ll take them now, Julianne. And it would be wise to worry about your own work and keep out of others’,” Larry scolded as he glared at me.

“I didn’t think you would mind.” I recoiled at his tone. That was the first time he had a problem with it. He’d actively said to do it before, so I was pretty confused.

“But I do. Now get me the files.”

Larry had never talked to me like that, and the leather man was… well, leather faced and scary as fuck with a scar over one eye and a dozen crevices on his face like potholes. His snarl and dark eyes just sang crazy and dangerous. Not a good combo.

I practically sprinted to get the file and drop it on Larry’s desk before I left. Only stopped for a second when I heard my name.

“Nice meeting you, Julianne. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around.”

And then I ran, never looking back. And it almost cost me my life. But unlike then, I can’t move now. My body won’t let me, and more tears run down my face as I lie in an almost comatose state on the ground.

I knew it. Having my memory back just plain old sucks.

Chapter 28 – Flint


kay, I think I found something.” About damn time too. Casper isn’t an idiot, but he doesn’t know half the shit I do. To be fair, he wasn’t trained on it. Doesn’t even have a desire to do what I do. He knows the basics, and that’s usually good enough. But now I’m back, and I’m running shit.

Once everyone showed up, Law got down to business, and shit took longer than expected. We got news that there were a few more calls to action for our new side gig. Nothing large, but enough to know that sending a few other brothers out for recruiting will have to happen sooner than later. Boss took my advice, and after a few interesting words, he and Bulldog convinced the warden and probation board to loosen the hold a bit and let Mad Max out on good behavior. Funny, really, since the guy doesn’t know the meaning of the word good.

Gator even broached a topic. Rarely do we let prospects in Church, but we called him in toward the end, at the request of Domino. He had an idea and thought it was best if the kid shared. Never thought I would see the day, but it looks like the club will be going into the landlord business. We’ll start off by getting a coffee shop closer to the clubhouse and buying the two properties across the street. Both have gone to junk, and we’d rather know our neighbors. Could also be good to use for unexpected guests who stop by when the clubhouse is full. Domino and Jumper said they would take on getting the numbers, and my crew will be involved in doing the renovations. Helps that Domino and Jumper are on my payroll. Jumper’s only part-time, since the tattoo parlor he has downtown is his breadwinner. But sometimes he gets an itch to get out of the place, and I ain’t going to turn down help.

After we kicked the prospect out, Law called the vote. Not a single brother had a problem bringing in Gator—yeah, we agreed on his club name then and there. Fucker is going to hate it, but I bet after a while he’ll make it his own. We all do. Kooper’s got the order in to get his cut done. Once it comes, we’ll let him know. Besides, the boys and I want to make the kid sweat a bit more. It’s fun that way.

When we finally get down to me and mine, Casper spreads out what we have. Everything links back to a Devils Damned connection. But that’s all we’ve got. Both cars that ran her off the road had plates that were registered to that MC’s members. Even the guy she ran over herself was prospecting for them. They’ve been trying to breach our territory for years. We’ve had problems with them longer than I’ve been a member, but we have zero idea why they’re gunning for my kitten.

Till now.

“What you got?” Casper looks over at my screen. We’ve been locked in my workroom since Church got out, going over all the details he found and running new programs he didn’t know to run. Guy might have the cast off his leg, and he might technically be done with the tech side, but he’s still helping till shit gets done.

“Looks like Duke is the one making the play,” I grunt as I type away.

“The VP of the Devils Damned?”

I nod. “Yeah, got a few names on some buildings a few towns over.”

“Think he’s making a play to split from the club, or we thinking they just want another chapter set up around here?”

I shrug at his question. I have a few theories but nothing cut-and-dried. “Don’t know yet. I could see the chapter thing, but Duke is a loose cannon, even for the Devils Damned. Could go either way. And guess who he’s using to run negotiations on his contracts?”

“Fisher and Mitchells?”

“Bingo.” I eye him with a smirk as I keep working, but I can still see him shake his head in disbelief.

“Fuck. How much you wanna bet your old lady saw or heard something she shouldn’t have?”

A cold shiver takes over my body at the thought. “Not betting on a sure thing.”

I’m out of the room, Casper hot on my heels.