He shrugs and then pushes some hair behind my ear, and I sigh into his touch. “’Cause it’s permanent. There’s always the chance you could want to split.”
Now it’s my turn to smile as I roll a leg over top of my guy. Yup, mine. “I think I might want that. Memory or not, I like you. Maybe even be in love with you, but that’s a conversation for a different day. What I know right now is that I don’t want anyone else.”
“You don’t think that will change once you get your memory back?”
“Maybe. But then I’ll remember who popped my cherry. According to the movies, you only give it to someone you really care about.”
“Don’t think it counts, Kitten, if you had no idea you were a virgin when you asked for it.” I see a pain in his eyes, and I push the wrinkles between them away.
“Sure it does. Subconscious and all that. So, the thing I think you have to ask yourself is if you want me to tattoo your name on my ass or my thigh. ‘Flint’ in cursive could look real pretty in either location.”
“Flint’s not my name.”
“It’s not?” I guess I knew this, but I get so caught up in him that I forget the simple things. Like I have zero idea what his full name is.
“Nah, it’s a road name. Got it when I prospected and lit a barn on fire when I got pissed off and threw some shit. Had no clue it was mineral quartz. It caused a spark, and the whole thing went up in seconds.”
“I kind of thought it was because you lit my world on fire.”
“Cute, Kitten. Real cute.” He smirks at me as he shakes off my bad joke. Guy loves them, I just know it.
“So what’s your name?”
I test it in my head and look him over, seeing Tyler for the first time. From the spiky parts of his hair that I’ve gripped for the last few hours as I rode him, to the muscles in his arms that he used to hold me against a wall to fuck me. I see the tattoos on his chest and how they match the dark blue of his eyes. There are so many words, stories for each bit of artwork decorating his skin. They’re of sorrow and loss, of his brothers in the military and maybe from the club too. They’re a part of him, parts I want to learn about. Parts I will learn about. But another time. Not tonight.
“Well, Tyler, want to play with a bit of fire?”
“You’re a dork.” He gives me a pointed look, and I just shrug it away.
“I know, but you love me anyway.”
“Yeah, I kind of do.”
Then he kisses me, and we stop talking. What else is there to say? We’re apparently in a relationship. Sure, neither of us knows where it’ll go or end, and we didn’t declare our undying love for each other, but hey, it’s early. We got time for that. I think.
I really don’t know how things will go when my memories come back. I want to say it won’t change how I feel now, how he makes my heart beat fast as he raises me a bit before dropping me down on his cock. I don’t know if I’ll see him as the man who rescued me from the dark, in more ways than one.
I don’t know, and it’s kind of scary. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last few weeks, it’s that I’m not the type of girl to let things go. If I can complain till I’m blue in the face for a Diet Coke and have zero clue as to why I have the addiction, I sure as hell can hang on to my feelings and figure things out with Flint—with Tyler—together.
Chapter 26 – Flint
raise a brow. “You sure about this?”
“Funny, I asked the girls the same thing the other night.”
“Ain’t the same, Kitten,” I growl, but I know it’s only sending pleasant shivers through her and not ones of fear. Guess it’s my fault for growling at her to come again and again over the weekend. Not that I’m complaining.
“Sure it is. But instead of dancing the night away, I get to pretend to work on a computer. Hey, you never know. Maybe it’ll all come back to me. Dance came easy enough, right?”
“I don’t like it.”
She smooths out the wrinkle from between my glaring eyes. “The only reason you don’t like it is because it means you can’t play with my ass for eight hours.”
I dig my fingers into said ass and pull her back just to prove a point. “You mean this ass? I can’t play with this ass?”