Now, before any of you bitches start going all against my guy, look at it from his side. I know he’s scared. He can say he ain’t the type to get scared all he wants to me, but I know this man. I know what makes him hug me a bit more at night when his mind wanders in the dark. Why he tracks me when I walk away with others. He thinks I won’t want him anymore. That somehow I’ll remember that I hate bikers or something.
Okay, so that’s mostly my fear. I was terrified that I would wake up with my memory one day and not want to keep the ones I’ve been making with this man and his club. I’m totally projecting my own thoughts and assuming that’s what he’s facing too.
Unless… unless he isn’t feeling that at all. What if this is him thinking he doesn’t have to babysit me anymore? Yeah, sure, he said the club already cleared his debt, and he wanted to stay, but what if those were just words?
Oh God, I’m doing exactly what I did before my little fall down the mountain. Second-guessing everything. I did that shit so often before that I’m sick of it. I see who I was, and I now see what I can be.
I’m picking door number two.
I sit up, tucking my legs underneath me as I shuffle over and put my arms around him. He doesn’t move much, so I rest my chin on my hand as I squeeze his shoulder. “So… what are you thinking?”
He just shakes his head.
“Want to know what I think you’re thinking?”
A pause before he gives me a single nod.
“You’re either elated ’cause you’re officially off babysitter duty.” He turns his head just enough to lock eyes with me and glare. I don’t suppress my smile. That one look is all I need. I ain’t a job for him, not anymore at least. Guy wasn’t lying about that.
Good to know.
“Or you’re worried that I might not stick around now that I know who I am,” I finish.
He looks back down, and I make my move. Sliding one leg over his lap, I sit on him, pushing him back a bit as I do. I hold on tight to his shoulders for leverage since he isn’t holding me. Not yet, anyway. That’s fine. Sometimes you’re the one being held, and sometimes you’re doing the holding. It all works out in the end in my book, ’cause you’re together.
“Before I met you, I had friends. A family I never spoke to. More money than I knew what to do with. Guys badgered me to either model for them to live out some sick fantasy, or they tried to use me for my wealth. I hid away in this town because of what my childhood and young adulthood were like. After my transplant, I was just done with it all.”
I feel his body tighten like a snake ready to attack, and I love it. He’s getting defensive for shit that happened so far back that it doesn’t even matter to me anymore. I’ve forgotten that part of my life, mostly, and I’m only bringing it up now to prove a point.
I run my hand along his cheek, shivering at the way his beard tickles my palm. “I also knew what love was. I saw it in what I did, how I grew up, and others around me. What I feel for you isn’t love.” I watch the spark go out of his eyes. I hate to do this to him, but he deserves to know the truth.
I run my fingers in his hair, pulling a bit till his eyes return to mine. “It’s more.”
He grabs my hips quickly as if jolted by lightning.
“What I feel for you can’t even compare to what I thought love was. I might remember who I was, but I also know I was nothing till I fell for you. Literally and several times, I might add. All I had was friends and dance and my work, but nothing was worth it. Not when I danced for no one to see. Not when I said goodnight to the office and went home to an empty house. I had zero clue on how much money I actually got from my modeling gigs these last few weeks till like thirty minutes ago when the memory popped in my head. And I’ve never been happier. And that’s because of you—only you. I love you, Tyler. My past won’t change that. Only you and our future together will.”
I’m flipped to my back, my breath pushed out of me, and then his lips are on me. I moan around his mouth, starving for air but willing to die this way.
He lets up and rests his forehead on mine, squeezing his eyes shut tight and shaking his head a bit. “Jesus, Kitten.”
He opens his eyes, and I do the girliest shit ever. I gasp as I see the deep lust, need, desire, and love in them. I bet others will swear you can’t see that, but I do. I am. He somehow took down whatever wall he had ’cause I swear I can see into his fucking heart and soul right now.
“I fucking love you more than I have any right to. You’ve wrecked me, woman. You’ve wrecked me to the core. You might have dropped off the cliff, but it was me who fell in line almost instantly when I saw you coming up on us. Everything about you screams better than me, but I’m a fucking coldhearted bastard who won’t let you go. I can’t let you go. You’re my world. I didn’t need to lose my mind to know shit was missing in it. Never wanted an old lady till I found you. I hope you were serious about the tat, ’cause now that I know you still want me, I’m going to mark you so the world can see it. Sorry, honey, but I’m not going to let you go now.”
“Well then, it’s a good thing I gave up running. Long-distance was never my strength anyways. I prefer short sprints,” I say as I eye his lips and lick my own.
He growls in response. “Fuck that. We ain’t coming out of this room till I’ve had my fill of you. Even then, can’t guarantee I’ll let you out of here anytime soon.”
“Well, come on, old man. Less yapping, more ripping clothes off.”
He grins at me and starts to undo the shorts I borrowed from the extra clothes Ruby had in her room. I, of course, asked before I just took, unlike Flint, who flung them at me when we were done getting checked out by the torture doctor.
A thought pops in my head, and I can’t help myself. “Come on, baby, and light my fire.”
He stops unzipping and looks up with a quizzical expression that’s half shock and half fear. Then he bursts out laughing, and I do the same. His head falls to my stomach, and it jiggles as he continues to bark with laughter. It tickles a bit, making me giggle more till his laughter dies and he starts kissing my stomach. He slowly kisses his way down, pulling my shorts with him as he goes.
I grab his hair and direct him where I want him. He chuckles as he obliges, moving my panties aside as he spreads my lips just wide enough to lick through them. My moans waver as he does it, and I swear I can feel him smile against my little kitten. My eyes are shut tight so I can feel just him.