“Actually, I have no clue who you are. I read your badge. I lost my memory a few weeks back, and this kind gentleman was walking by outside as I was wandering around and offered to take me inside to see if I work here. Guess I do if you know my name.”
“Kitten.” That’s two.
I see her roll her eyes, but at least she does as she’s told—sort of. “Okay, fine. I didn’t just meet him. I was sold as a sex slave for the last three weeks, and I’m pregnant with his babies.”
“What?” the bitch screeches at the same time I growl my last warning. “Fucking hell, Kitten.”
“Okay, so I’m not pregnant. At least I don’t think so. Actually, we really should wear condoms or something. With the amount of fucking we’ve been doing, I’d be surprised if I’m not.”
“You’re on the shot, babe,” I remind her.
“Shot? What shot?”
“Birth control. General did a full check on you, remember?”
“Oh, and you just remembered him telling me that, huh?” Her side-eye calls me out on my bullshit.
We both know that ain’t true. General told me, and I just tucked that shit away for the future. Didn’t seem like something to say, and well, it kind of worked out for me in the long run. Nothing like having your brother do a full scan on just about anything to make sure a woman you might fuck one day is free of almost everything. Only issue is what’s going on in her head.
“Seriously?” Shannan drags out as she looks us over like we’re mental. Maybe we are. I’ve never done this banter shit with anyone else, and it just works for us.
“Yeah, well, not the baby part, I think. Fell, hit my head, can’t remember anything, and I got lucky when this guy found me—multiple times, if you catch my meaning.” The fact that my girl just keeps steamrolling over what was meant to be an insult during our little back-and-forth and she took the higher ground proves she’s a classy chick. And the fact that she insinuated that we fucked on repeat proves she’s my kind of chick.
“Wow, Julianne, I don’t know what to say.” The attitude from the bitch drops for a second, but then the glare returns when her eyes collide with mine. Yup, she doesn’t do bikers. Not a problem, since bikers don’t fuck stuck-up bitches. Okay, sometimes the brothers do. But the woman’s got to be stacked, and begging for it, and we have to be drunk and horny. Also, there are no other options in a fifty-mile radius.
“Just point me toward my workplace and give me a rundown of what I’m doing. I’m sure it’ll all come back to me once I get started.”
“Yeah, sure. Your office is down at the end, by Larry. He’s the head of this branch.”
Kitten nods at her, then glances at me. “Bye, honey. See you at home after work.”
“Kitten.” I say her name once, no growl this time, as she takes a step toward said office.
“What?” She half turns back to me.
“When you going to learn? I ain’t waiting all day for your ass, and I ain’t waiting at home for you.” Shannan’s gasp has me smirking. I just fit right into the mold she made for me, I bet. “You get four hours, and then I’m coming to get your ass. If you ain’t done, then I’ll fuck this tight little pussy till you beg me to take you home. We ain’t going there unless it’s the two of us. Now give me a kiss and get your ass to work. I got to take the truck back, because I want your ass on my bike when I get you out of this place.”
“Well, when you say it like that….” She wraps her arms around me and gives me the best fucking kiss I’ve had all day. It ain’t quick, and she ain’t scared to moan a bit when I pull her tight to me and open her mouth to explore it with my tongue. God, I might be falling fast and hard for this woman. Can’t remember when someone kissed me like this, if ever. Like the world might end, and they get one last chance at something amazing before we die.
She pulls away slowly and a bit reluctantly. “You going to set me down, or you planning on carrying me around all day?”
“Has its benefits.” I kiss her lips quickly before setting her back down. In my own defense, I had no clue I lifted her a few inches off the ground. What can I say? I fucking float when she’s around, my head’s completely in the clouds when she kisses me, and I kind of forget everything else going on. Probably not ideal with people gunning to run her over. Still haven’t figured that out yet, but we will. No one will ever hurt my girl, not if I got a say in it. And I do.
“Get to work.” I smack her ass for good measure and enjoy the scolding look I get from the uppity bitch, and a few of the other coworkers. I also see a few looking at me with blushes on their cheeks. Either I’m more attractive than I thought, or I might have turned a few on just then.
Ever since that damn Fifty Shades book came out, freaks have been coming out of the woodworks. Suddenly it’s almost acceptable to like kink. Most is still required to be behind doors—against the law and all that—but now not everyone shies away and looks at it in mock horror. Sometimes, with a few, who I gladly wink at as I pass, they embrace it, and a connection is formed. Maybe not of a lover, but a lover of the art and an appreciation for the other, even if they never see each other again.
I don’t give a fuck what other people’s kinks are. I know mine, and I’m learning Kitten’s, just as she’s discovering them. Fucking awesome.
I take my time driving to the club for Church, but I’m still early when I take my spot at the table. A few nod at me as I do the same back.
“Kitten good?” Law mumbles as he goes through his phone. Either playing a game or texting, just a time killer till the rest of the brothers get their asses in here.
“Yeah, got a prospect on her. Any news in that area?”
“One of the many things to talk about once everyone else shows up.”
I nod at Law, knowing he hates repeating himself if he doesn’t have to.