Page 49 of Flint

“Sometimes we get snow.” I put the helmet on her kitchen counter as she pulls out some chocolate to munch on.

“Really? Crazy town. Why the hell did I move here? I don’t know much about myself, but I know I hate the cold.” She bites into the chocolate and munches away.

I swagger over to her, buzzing at the knowledge that we’re finally fucking alone. “There are a few things to do to warm you up, you know.”

She swallows, looks at me, and then puts her snack down. “Is this you coming on to me?”

“That bad?” Crap. Never had anyone call me on my shit before. Hell, I haven’t actually had to proposition a chick in years. They just throw themselves on me, and I pick. I rub my hand through my hair as I look away sheepishly. “Sorry, been out of the country for a bit. And before that, it was mostly vamps, and with them, you just sort of point, and that’s about all that’s needed.”


I look back at her, not really understanding what she means by that “hmm.”

“Well, if it helps, I can show you to the bedroom, and we can fuck there. Or we can just go at it on the couch. I don’t really have a preference, but it might be a little small.”

I place my hands on the island and lean back enough for my arms to stretch out, letting my head fall forward to my chest. “Dammit, Kitten.”

“Did I say something wrong?”

I look at her across the way. She’s got her damn lip between her teeth and wide eyes. It gets me right in the chest, all warm and fuzzy like. I shake my head slowly. “No, you just never do a damn thing I expect you to.”

“What were you expecting?”

“Wooing. Flowers and sweet shit to get you there. Even expected you to make me work for it for a while.”

She shrugs quickly. “Been a while already, in my book.”

What the fuck did I do right in a past life to have this girl fall into my lap?

“So, um, you want me to take off my clothes first or…?”

She trails off, and I continue to stare. Enjoying my spoils of war, as it would be. “Run.”

I watch her eyebrows shoot up. She’s been playing with me since the beginning, always making comments and asking questions. Things I bet she knows get at me, that any woman, memory or not, knows put a man on edge just hearing about.

“Run, Kitten, while you can. ’Cause this Hound ain’t going to stop till he sinks his teeth in tight.”

Her smile is wide as she takes off with another squeal that only makes it damn uncomfortable for me in my jeans. I adjust my cock before removing my colors and hanging them on the bar stool. Not many places she can hide, and I already know there’s no way to leave down the hall she went. I take my time, stalking my prey.

This is fucking awesome. I’ve played games before. Hell, in this day and age, you’re almost looked at odd if you don’t. But this, this is new, even for me. Not sure why I got the idea in my head, but I’m hard as stone right now as I walk into her bedroom and look around for her.

As I move to the bathroom, I hear her a second before she jumps on my back. I move my arms quickly to hold her to me, not wanting her to fall for a second time today. But she clings tight to me and leans in, biting my ear before letting go and kissing my neck. Fuck if that isn’t a turn-on.

“Looks like I got my teeth in you first. That mean I win?”

I flip her quickly and toss her on the bed. She wasn’t expecting it, her breath leaving her as she bounces a bit. “You call that a bite? Oh, Kitten, that was barely a scratch. You’re in my world now. Let me show you how the big dogs do it.”

She looks at the ceiling and shakes her head as she groans. “Fucking hell, you’re going to make me purr with words like that.”

“I’m sure as fuck going to do a lot more than talk, honey. And purring is not what I’m after. I want to hear you scream.”

Chapter 21 – Julianne


kay, wow, this is really happening. I’m not sure if I’m ready for this. Sex, yeah. Well, I think so. Kind of hard to answer that when you don’t really know yourself. I know me—well, the me from the last few weeks. And it’s not like I’m cheating on anyone. Bailey made that crystal clear on several occasions. For a girl who’s all against a man coming in and saving the day, she sure as heck likes hearing that it’s happened for me and has no problem pushing me more into it.

Never around the boys, but when she does get me alone, which is often, she just keeps repeating to do what makes me happy and to not try to fit myself into what I was. I’m a new person, and I can do whatever the heck I want. There’s no one I answer to, not really. Outside of work, which apparently I’m awesome at, I’m alone in the world. No one to warm these cold sheets, and isn’t that a shame?