“Oh, shut up. You know you were just as curious, so don’t start acting like you know everything. Some people lose only a few days, or a few weeks. Sometimes just years. If there wasn’t more than one type, they wouldn’t make that many movies about it.”
Got to say, these guys are a riot. We were the last to arrive, and since we came with four, not just two like they expected, it took a second before we were able to move to another high-top with enough chairs. I wasn’t about to be left out, even if Gator and I have to sit together on one side of the table to give them the illusion that they’re alone.
“I think he’s just upset that she doesn’t remember him specifically. I get it. Hurts me, too, hon, but you got to at least enjoy how she keeps staring at you,” Bailey says as she pats the hand of the other guy, Jordan, and nods toward Kitten.
Yeah, I noticed that part too. But Bailey, wise woman she is, introduced the group and who was partnered with who. So instead of me wanting to beat the shit out of the guy for keeping my girl’s eye, I can appreciate the fact that he put time in the gym to keep his man’s eye from wandering. Yup, that’s right. I’m only totally secure in my way because the guy’s gay. I will fully admit I would not like it if she did that to any straight man.
Okay, I actually kind of hate how she keeps staring at Meekail. I mean, he’s built, and I guess he’s got this whole Shemar Moore look-alike thing going for him. Still kind of want to punch him in the face, though. But I’m also kind of worried about what his boyfriend, Jordan, will do to me. That guy isn’t small either. They own a gym together, and it’s obvious they use it. Often.
Kitten shakes her head, blushing. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You look so familiar to me. Also, you’re kind of pretty to look at.”
I grunt, totally not trying to remind her I’m here, but come on. What else is a guy supposed to do when he’s got the hots for a girl and she’s hitting on another guy? Just sit there and take it? Fuck that.
“Oh, no.” I got to admit I like her turning to ease my ego so quickly. “He’s pretty, sure, but you got this whole jackass thing going for you.” Wait, is that even a compliment? What the fuck? “Which I’m totally into, in case you didn’t know. It’s hot.”
Well, okay then.
“Oh my God!”
“I know, right?”
“What?” Kitten is just as confused as Gator and me as we look at Meekail, then at Bailey, who agreed with him.
“You. Your shell is officially broken, that’s for damn sure,” Meekail says almost in awe.
“I don’t get it.” Gidget, thank God, is also clueless. She came with Miles, an okay dude, skinny and not hitting the weights like his friends, I guess.
They call themselves the misfits. A name they gave themselves, and they apparently wear the badge with honor. Each of them, besides Gidget, went to high school together and formed their group because they were shunned. Jordan and Meekail for being gay—apparently it wasn’t the it thing to be when they came out like it is today. They actually hated each other and only got together after school. Funny how that worked out. Bailey was known as “fat girl,” a point that had Gator slamming his drink down and going to get another. He really doesn’t like her saying that about herself, but he has no rights to her, so he keeps his mouth shut. For now.
Miles was just quiet and liked the drama club. Nothing wrong with that, but he was nice to them and made friends, so he was guilty by association. Then he met Gidget in college, and she nerded out with her Star Trek gear like five minutes into meeting them, so it made sense that she joined the misfits club. Jules might have been a model and beautiful and loaded, but she was behind in school and had to take double the class load plus summer classes to catch up, apparently making her an outcast.
All I know is kids are the fucking worst. I ruled my school, mostly because I didn’t give a fuck about it, and no one messed with me. If they did, I messed back. But I get it. It’s hard when you’re young. At least they had one another’s backs when the bullies came. Which must have happened a lot if they felt the need to create a freaking club around it.
“That’s ’cause you only know our Jules when we force her to come out with us and at the dance thing. Otherwise, our girl is as shy as they come. Well, she was. Talking to guys was not her thing. Speaking to one and telling them she thinks he’s hot? Yeah, that’s like saying Captain Kirk knows the Death Star plans. Completely not a thing,” Miles replies.
God, I love how she blushes. It’s fucking cute.
I don’t get the reference, but I guess they all do. Well, not Jules, but I know it’s nerd speak. Fine with me—I can learn that shit, if it’s what Kitten is into. Not saying I’ll completely convert, but I could be down for watching shows I’ve seen once before. I mean, I never got the whole “space: the final frontier” thing or the Jedi mind tricks. Some of the brothers are into it, just never was my thing. But I’ll give it a shot, assuming she wants me to keep hanging out with all of them. Nothing I hate more than not knowing the fucking punch line. I always feel like I become it when that happens.
“Okay, so enough about me. Tell me things about you. What should I know?” Kitten asks with a twinkle in her eye.
“Let’s see,” Jordan starts. “You secretly love me. You want my babies, but I already said Meekail can have them. I’m great in bed, and I was the one who gave you instructions on how to give head. She’s great at it, by the way, if she follows the technique I gave her. Never had her try on me, but you’ll thank me later.”
My beer is halfway to my mouth, and I set it down instead. Images are flashing in my head, and I’m trying not to react. Where do I start first? Him giving tips? Him knowing she’s good at it? Or the fact that she knows something and I’m fucking willing to see if she remembers?
“Jordan, we all know you’re a sex god. Meekail preaches it all on his own. No need to scare the straight boys away,” Bailey scolds him as he winks my way.
I look to Meekail to make sure he sees I’m not trying to take anything that doesn’t belong to me. He just shakes his head, smiling. Thank fucking God. Did I tell you these guys are big? Not that I couldn’t take them out, ’cause I could, with backup. But I could hurt Kitten, physically if she tried to stop us or mentally by pushing away a friend she once had. No reason to get her to hate me before she realizes she’s too good for me. We’ll be crossing that bridge down the road; no reason to add fuel to the fire.
“You’re good at dance.”
“Gidget, sweetie, we want to remind her with stories, not just tell her what she used to do.” Bailey does have a way of turning people down and bringing them up all at once. Probably why she’s a high school counselor. She’s good like that. Yeah, I looked her up. Okay, Gator did, and I just read the report.
“Oh, right. Well, you taught me how to dance. I was horrible, and now I’m tolerable enough that you even let me in the shows.” She beams, all proud. Miles even leans in to kiss her cheek as he squeezes her hand.
“What shows?” Kitten questions as she sips her alcohol-free drink. Yeah, General made a point to say only virgin drinks for the night till we get the wrap off her head.
“Oh God, I just realized you won’t be able to do the show in two weeks. Fucking hell.” Meekail shakes his head before he curses more under his breath.