Page 43 of Flint


“What?” My bubble pops, and I look at Bailey. Did she just say no?

“You heard me.” The look she gives me makes me want to throw a shoe. At her head.

“But you can’t say no,” I whine as I look at her, at Flint, then back at her.

She crosses her arms with a raised eyebrow of her own. Damn, I really need to learn how to do that. “Looks like I just did.”

“But….” I pout forcefully, but all it gets me is a shake of her head.

“No buts. You can get your flirt on with the big bad biker another night. We need to get your memory back, and a night out with the gang is something that might work.”

I bite my lip and look away to the pictures of us behind her, the guilt she spoke of a lingering whisper on my mind. “What if I don’t want to get it back?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” She’s clueless to my inner thoughts.

“Pretty sure all the good perks are when you don’t have one.”

“Like what? Not remembering your PIN for your bank account? Not knowing where the grocery store is? Tell me, what could possibly be a perk with memory loss?”

I lock eyes with the one person I can’t forget about. One I don’t want to forget about. “Babysitters.”

Chapter 18 – Flint


y kitten looks good all dressed up, even with the beanie on. Thankfully, Dexter never did spring for a heater in his bar, and it’s still on the colder side. We’ve been in a heat wave of sorts for Kansas, fifties and sixties for early March, but it’s showing its true colors now—in the form of blue, if you don’t bundle up before going out in the freezing temps.

Got a feeling I might have to remind her after a few drinks why the hat is needed. She’s already going to be asked so many questions; I doubt she wants to open up the can of worms she’s sure to deal with if this group sees the gauze wrapping her head. General says it’s a precautionary thing for twenty-four hours, just to make sure there’s no infection in the cut.

It already took an arm and a leg to convince Bailey that everything was okay. It isn’t, but we had to convince her. She’s worse than the damn cops. Of course, she isn’t on our payroll like they are, and they also trust us since we never do shit that’s not warranted. Unless it’s on one bad motherfucker. And anyone who aims to run down someone like Jules isn’t on the straight and narrow.

Bailey needed to see literal credentials proving Gator was able to carry. I never laughed so hard in my life. The guy’s got it bad for the girl, and she won’t give him an inch.

The boys already got the plates back from the car we shot at. Fucking Devils Damned. Why are they keeping tabs on my kitten? What did she do? Or worse, what did she see? The Devils Damned got a reputation. They don’t leave witnesses, to anything. Even heard they cut and dump their club bunnies once they’re through with them. They’re ruthless, and if they are involved, shit is more complicated than just a simple grudge.

Law’s already on it, giving approval for a few more brothers to go out with us, just to keep eyes out while we relax. Her with her friends and me for my first night back. Boss didn’t even make a smart comment that I was already here and following this woman around like a lost puppy. I’m sure he’s waiting to give me shit after all this dies down, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

Only person who wasn’t granted the night off was Gator.

He hasn’t stopped glaring at Bailey since her little speech back at the house. I get it; her comments pissed me off too. Mostly because no one should feel like they’re shit, and she’d obviously been told she was, on repeat, till she found Julianne. Got to say, pretty damn proud of my girl. She’s a hell of a woman.

And yeah, I’m calling her mine. Got half a mind to notice I’m not freaking out like I thought I would before I met her. But the girl ran across a street, almost got hit by a car, and only cared that I was there. She still has no idea what’s going on, and I need to talk that over with her. The more she knows, the more she can be aware and make sure she doesn’t put herself in a position to get run over again, or anything else.

The group we’re sitting with ain’t a bad bunch. Not something I would have imagined as her people, but if they make her smile and possibly help her remember who she is, then I’m all for them.

I still get a gut wrench when I think about her remembering her past life. Not sure how it’ll go for me. I know I don’t fit in her past, not based on the research I’ve done on her. She’s the homebody, number-crunching, “tucked safely in bed at ten” kind of girl. I’m the one out all night, maybe coming home after 10:00 a.m. before putting on dirty boots and going out again.

We’re opposites. But then again, Bulldog and Izzy work. So do Chains and Maddy. It could work for us. Maybe. I know it does now, and I ain’t about to change things. But… every time I think I know what I want, I get another idea. If she does get her memory back, we might be able to find out why the Devils Damned are after her and get rid of the problem before they get rid of her.

Decisions, decisions. I guess the only things I can really do right now are keep her safe and make us happy. Who knows how long this will last, memory or no memory? I just know I haven’t felt anything like I do with this girl. For once I have feelings toward a woman, and that’s big for me. I’m willing to play this out, see where it goes. Does it mean I’m ready to put a ring on it and put my patch on her? Fuck no. I just know I ain’t running to another chick when I got needs. Kitten is worth playing the cat-and-mouse game with, and I’ll wait till she’s ready. But the way she keeps looking at me with fuck-me eyes, I’m not sure I’ve got to wait long.

Fucking fantastic, that’s what it is.

“So you don’t remember anything?”

“Pretty sure that’s what amnesia means, Meekail.”