Page 34 of Flint

She put her hair down, no longer in a bun with hair all over the place. I know she couldn’t wash it, and it’s still got some dirt in it, but at least it’s brushed out. It goes past her shoulders to right before her tits, a light brown that almost matches her eyes, which has me curious if she dyes it. But I don’t think she’s like the other fake kind of girls we got around here. From what I’ve learned about her—yeah, totally did a full check while I ran a few things for our mission—nothing is fake. I might have focused a bit more than I should have on her when we got a gig coming up, but I’ve still got time to focus on the job. What I don’t think I’ve got is time with her.

This might seem like a simple smash-and-grab, but shit goes wrong all the time. We work well as a brotherhood, but this will be the first time we really do a solo mission like this. Not saying we can’t get it done, just don’t know how it’ll go when the heat comes down. ’Cause I ain’t stupid—heat always comes in on these things. No point in wishing for miracles, like no shots being fired. That shit doesn’t happen in these types of rescue missions.

So death is a viable option for once. And with this hot babe—and don’t even get me started on the body—sitting next to me, it gets me to thinking. Things I might not have thought about twenty-four hours earlier. Like the fact that she’s small waisted, and I want to see how her boobs bounce as I hold her over my dick while she rides me. She ain’t got a ton to hold on to, but there’s enough for me, and there’s nothing fake about those tits. I’ve been watching.

Girl hasn’t worn a proper bra all afternoon, and she hasn’t exactly been sitting still. She might have some sports bra thing on, but it does nothing to stop the bouncing going on beneath her clothes. It’s enough to make a grown man get a semi. Trust me, I’m one of them. And I know the others notice her too.

I especially like how a couple former prospects thought they could tap her ass. I wasn’t mad when I found out. She’s fine. The fact that Ruby stepped in made me smile. Also appreciate the fact that Kitten turned them down, from what I heard. But she’s sure as hell offering it up to me. Am I willing to take her up on it? Is she serious?

Fuck, a man like me doesn’t have time for games.

“Kitten,” I growl in warning. I’m already on an adrenaline high from the need for action. I might not know what’s going to happen, but the idea of a hunt has my blood pumping. This shit excites me. And it doesn’t help that for the last hour, I’ve pored over photos and information on everything regarding Julianne I could find.

Her face is full, and she’s got this smile that takes it over. Her laugh can be heard anywhere in the club, and it ain’t the annoying kind like some broads around here have. She doesn’t try to be more than she is. Hell, she doesn’t even know who she is, and I like that. I like discovering these little quirks with her.

That right there should send me running. And maybe I am.

This gig we got, I know another brother could step in. I’m not too high on my horse to know there are others equally qualified. Do I want this? Hell yeah. Been itching for months for something like this. I liked the idea when Chains first brought it up for the club to go into the merc world. I’ve been the main contact manning the phone lines and putting out feelers on the web since the start. This might not have been my child, but I nurtured it to what it is, and now we’ve got something to show we ain’t off base and that we’re actually needed. For a cause we believe in and not just the cash.

I’m hyped for this. But… I’m hyped over learning about Jules too. This girl. I can’t name what she has or what she does, but man, does it get under my skin. I like it. I like her. I want nothing more than to go fuck her brains out right now, but for once in my life, I’m thinking before dicking. It’s a new thing for me. I ain’t that picky usually—a willing girl is a willing girl—yet I still hesitate. Warn her off.

“What? Not interested? Is it me? Not your type or something? I’m sure I can get you a friend if you give them time to hop off the other dicks first. Not saying they wouldn’t come running if given the opportunity to be on yours or nothing, but I’ve been watching, and I feel like they got some sort of number system or something. You ain’t getting your dick wet till your number’s called. Let me just find the ticket machine and I’ll get you one.”

Damn chick literally turns to find a fucking ticket dispenser.

I grab her arm and spin her around easily, turning on my bar stool to face her. “Stop, Kitten. No ticket is needed.”

“Oh.” She pouts, and it makes me smile for no fucking reason other than it’s cute.

“Ain’t interested in a vamp, and don’t got time for one either.” I pull her in a bit, slowly, snaking my other arm around her hips to push on her lower back. Got to treat this one like a skittish kitten, only slow movements. She might hurt herself, or she might bring out the claws. Not really sure which way this will go.

Girl says things, does others. Gives me eyes, then checks out a brother while I’m standing there. Nothing about her is an easy read, not when her mouth opens and the opposite comes out, or just something completely out of left fucking field.

“Well, that sucks. Want me to talk to your president and see if he can give you some more time? I feel you aren’t telling me where you’re going for a reason. Don’t need to have a memory to know when you say, ‘club business,’ it ain’t mine. But you did mention the weather and not a lot about the selling features of the place, so I bet there aren’t any. To include girls, or maybe just not ones you want to be with. I was just offering to help you out. Last thing you need to do is go on a horny rager and mess up whatever you’re doing.”

I throw my head back, shaking with laughter. “‘Horny rager’? Where do you get this shit?”

She smacks my chest, and I look back down at her, noting that she doesn’t move her hand away after it makes contact with me.

“It could happen. I think. Don’t know how I know that, but I do. Guys can’t live without sex. Something is chemically wrong with them or something. Anyhow, if they do get it, they think better. Just my way of sending you off and not getting hurt.”

“So, it’s all for my benefit?”

“Uh-huh.” Her words are a lie compared to what her eyes are telling me.

I shake my head as I smile at her. “And there’s nothing in it for you?”

She follows the headshake, then stops. “Well….”

I take my opening, pulling her close as I seal her lips with my own. I don’t want to hear what she has to say, not a damn thing. That “well” said it all for me. She wants this as more than just some sacrificial shit she was hiding behind.

Hell yes.

I part her lips easily with mine, and she doesn’t disappoint, matching my hunger and drive to take as much of her as I can. She’s flush to me, but I move her a bit to keep her injured arm from being trapped. She wraps her other arm around my head and digs her fingers into my hair. Fuck, that’s what I like. Her nails are just long enough to scrape my scalp, and my hair pricks under them. I’m not being stabbed with pointy fake nails, and she ain’t worrying about detangling knots. We’re a fucking perfect fit right now.

I squeeze her ass—a freaking fine and firm one. I had no real idea what she was working with since she had on loose running shorts and now these sweatpants, but damn. I could only imagine how jeans would look on her.

My handsy ways give me the jolt of more of her mouth as she squeaks and rises from it. She’s fucking perfect. Her taste, smell—hell, just having her in my arms. It’s more than any vamp in this place could give me or has given me in a very long time. I’m more turned on than I can recall, but I still know the job. I still know this can’t be more than a fucking perfect kiss. Not now, maybe not ever. Only time will tell. But till my time’s up, I’m going to take everything she’s willing to give. And from the moans she’s letting out, I bet there’s nothing off the table right now.