The boys nod and head out, but I stay behind. “Boss, about the girl.”
“Yeah. Bulldog, get back in here,” Law orders.
We wait half a beat before he comes back in and takes a seat while I remain standing as Law speaks again. “Boys found colors in the car. Looks like our ex-prospect decided to join the Devils Damned. And from what Bass says, there might be foul play in how she took a stumble down our cliff. That about right?”
I nod as I curse in my head. Fucking Devils Damned. Dealt with them a few times in the past.
“How far you want to take this, Bulldog? It’s your call,” Law says.
I look to my VP and await his answer. He takes a second to think it over and then looks at me. “You think she could be in danger?”
I shrug as I rub my hand through my hair. “Not sure. Need to do my own recon to know for sure on her background. What I was able to find out is she’s got shitty parents who didn’t want to deal with her medical bills and tried to push it off on each other when she was a kid. But they had no problem claiming the money she made as a model before she got sick.”
“That’s messed up,” Bulldog grunts, and I nod in agreement.
“Yeah, apparently they’ve tried to contact her a few times to get cash. From what the friend who showed up said, Julianne doesn’t pursue them. Didn’t even bother asking if they were a match when she needed a kidney transplant. But I don’t know, they might be the desperate kind. She has a trust fund set up. Need to find the details and see how much we’re talking about and if a death could lead to the parents getting the money.”
“That’s good enough for me. She saved my woman, thus she saved me ’cause I’m nothing without Lady. I want her under club protection till we know without a doubt.”
“Done. Find your replacement while you’re out, Flint,” Law orders, settling the unspoken debate on what to do next with her.
I grin wide. “Already have.”
“Who?” Bulldog asks with an eyebrow raised.
Law chuckles at that. “Works for me. Boy is going to be pissed once he realizes that name’s sticking.”
“Why is it that again? Gate duty?” Bulldog asks as he smiles a bit. Kind of odd seeing that on his face, but his woman makes it happen more often than not.
“Nah, he stole her Gatorade,” I say.
Law shakes his head at both of us. “Yeah, but you also got to think about all the intel gathering he did. Saw something, didn’t say shit, but took it on himself to check her out for the club. Wouldn’t put it past him to have tested the Gatorade bottles first to make sure they weren’t more than what they seemed. He was watching, waiting. She knew nothing, I bet, but he was like the silent beast, keeping one eye on the prey, ready to attack. Gator might be about the drink, but it sure as hell seems like he’s got alligator blood in his veins.”
“So, we voting on him yet?” Kid’s done a lot for the club. Took a bullet, even. I’d trust him to have my back, and I’d gladly vote him in.
“We’ll make the call after you boys get back. He’s got another two months till he hits the year mark, and I might like the kid, but no one gets patched in early in my club. Don’t give a fuck who he is. Hell, my own kid would have had to pledge the full year if I had a son.”
“But you got Ruby instead.” Bulldog smiles, in a way only a dad with a little girl can. A shared look crosses their faces. Easy to see that they both realize life with girls is about three times harder than it is with boys. I don’t even have kids and I understand that just from watching these two.
“Don’t remind me. That girl can make a grown man cry and just aims to piss me off . I would beat her ass if I thought it would help. But if she’s anything like her mother, she would just strangle me in my sleep if I tried and never look back. And no offense, boys, but I ain’t ready to go out just yet.”
“Come on, old man, you sure you ain’t ready to hang up that cut yet? I sure could do a few things with this place.” I grin as Bulldog leans far back in the chair, going as far as propping his feet on the desk and resting his hands behind his head as he surveys the area.
Man is all talk. He would never take over as prez, even if it was offered. Man is VP through and through, never wanted further up than that. Hell, he never thought he would get to that position, and wouldn’t have if Chains didn’t get locked up.
Which reminds me. “Any news on Mad Max?”
“Get your feet off my fucking desk, Bulldog. And no. We got the lawyers working it now. Warden is being an ass, and the parole system ain’t willing to bend much on the early release like we were hoping for. They’re all about keeping their records squeaky clean and making everyone do the full time for the crime. Guy put three in the hospital, critical care, and only one is up and walking. With a limp at that.”
“Any brother would have done the same if he was in his place,” I defend.
“Yeah, but he should have known who he was trailing before he went at it like that. Club could have protected his ass a bit more.”
Also known as “don’t leave so many witnesses, and make sure the people who get hurt stay hurt enough to never talk again.” I nod in understanding but still hate having a brother locked up.
“Maybe you should incentivize them,” I suggest.