“Let’s just say you had a few times that your filter got the best of you. Well, that and your parents.”
“What about my parents?” I see the regret on her face. Clearly she’d hoped to keep that to herself.
“It’s nothing.”
“No, I bet it’s something. Something that’s got you all tangled up inside. You can tell me. Trust me, I won’t be mad.”
“Ha, you say that now.” She moves to sit on one of the two couches I have. For a single girl, I sure do have a lot of areas to sit. I wonder if I entertain a lot.
“Look, how much do you want to know about your life from me and how much do you want to learn on your own?” she asks. “From what I know, wouldn’t it be better to discover things on your own? You know, don’t force the memory back or anything?”
“Sure, that’s what General told me. But he also told my bodyguard over there that familiar territory could trigger me, and that’s why I’m here. I’m getting nothing on my end, so you get to be that trigger. So shoot.”
“Right, for the record, not agreeing with your logic. But if there’s anything I’ve learned from our friendship, it’s don’t argue with you when you’ve made up your mind and to always have candy on hand.”
“Candy? Why?”
“You go on these rants. Candy settles you down. You spiral yourself into a panic sometimes. Candy is like your kryptonite. Well, more like you were refused it as a kid, thus when you see any, it’s like a shiny new object, and you sort of forget the rant and focus on the candy. Not completely scientific, but it’s what we do to keep you from biting our heads off.”
“Thanks for the tip.” Flint sighs as he sits next to me. Not close as in touching but still close.
Am I crushing on him? Yeah, think we hit teenage crush zone since I’m noticing everything he does and how often we’re within touching distance. Or heck, when we do actually touch and I go all brain melt on him.
“I’m not that bad.” I look around, but no one’s agreeing with me. “Damn, rough crowd. Okay, so tell me about my parents.”
“Wait, I thought you said you remembered your graduation?” Flint questions.
He rolls his eyes but fills me in with what I’m missing from him. “So, pretty sure the memories before that would include your parents.”
“Actually, I said I remember a graduation. Didn’t know it was mine till I saw the photo and the memory of it matched the color scheme. Other than that, I got nothing.”
“Nothing? Like nothing, nothing?” I shake my head at the only one willing to claim being my friend right now and grin before looking back at Flint.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say something sooner? Why the hell did you let me think we were only missing like ten years, not the entire thing? What the hell, Jules?” he growls.
Ah, no Kitten? Sad kitty.
Guess he won’t like knowing that I really didn’t mean to run the guy over, more like my foot slipped when I was looking to turn on the radio.
Chapter 9 – Flint
f fucking course she lied. Okay, fine, didn’t lie, just didn’t tell the full truth.
I grip my hair as I try to stay calm. I’m the master of that, usually. But this girl has me all over the place. I lean my head back and stare up at the ceiling as I breathe through my shit. Hey, yoga works, people. Keeps your body fluid and keeps you focused. And I need the focus.
Don’t see a whole heck of a lot of other brothers owning and operating their own construction company on top of the club officer duties and surveillance I run from there. I’m a master at multitasking thanks to a little bit of yoga. Okay, more like meditation. I don’t do that posing cat or down dog shit. I ain’t a pussy. But I won’t be mad if any pussy takes those positions and I just happen to wander by. Nope, you won’t hear one complaint out of me.
So she withheld. I can live with it. Not like we gave her a reason to trust us. She lost her memory. She really had no clue what she was walking into, but she still showed balls the whole time. That’s two points in her favor. She ran over a guy who was threatening an old lady. Still not convinced about her story, but I can check that shit out later.
And the simple fact that my VP said I had to do this, well, I really got no choice. Sure, I was looking to drop this assignment in a few weeks. I really thought it wouldn’t take much to get ten years back. But her whole fucking life? And she ain’t triggering like I thought she would when we came here. I really need to do some research on this whole thing. It feels like I’m walking around blind and keep stubbing my toe.
“Okay, let’s set that shit aside. We will be talking about that later.” I pointedly look at her and am happy that it causes her to shrink away a bit like a child being scolded. I look to Bailey, skipping the politeness. “Tell us about her parents.”
“You sure you don’t want to wait till those memories come back? Or heck, maybe we should just forget them altogether.”