“Oh, I was right? Cool. Okay, so does he put his cut on backward so now neither is covered?”
“Fucking hell, Kitten,” Flint groans.
I don’t think that’s an answer, but it’s the only one they give me as we drive to my place, apparently. And no, we don’t stop for burgers, or a Diet Coke.
One star, totally not a good driving service.
Chapter 7 – Flint
s this it?” she asks.
“Yup.” I pop the P ’cause, well, it’s just awesome to do so at the kitten’s questions.
“Kind of depressing.”
“Hey! It’s one thing for me to say that about my house but so not cool for you.”
I keep my face turned out my window so they don’t see me smile. This chick is getting under my skin. I’ve spent too much time with her already and know she’s doing this pout-glare thing, which is actually totally adorable on her. And that right there is the problem. I don’t use words like adorable. Hell, I don’t even think I’ve ever said or thought that word in my entire life.
This chick has to go. She’s bad for business. You know the kind I’m talking about—the dicking kind. Yeah, I said it. This one has a potential to affect how many girls I fuck. Not that I need to fuck all the time or I’m some addict, but I like where I am in life. I don’t want the tied-down shit like my brothers are getting.
Maybe Casper was on to something yesterday. I say I don’t want ties, and bam, this chick basically falls in my lap, and now I’m tied to her. Not old lady tied, but as much as a grown man can get when told to fix her in order to fix the mistake he made.
“So, what are we waiting for?” Her impatience reminds me of Princess. That little girl couldn’t sit still if her life depended on it.
“For you to get the fuck out of the car.”
“Oh.” Fuck, when she says that, it’s like a direct hit to my dick. I remember her face so clearly last time. Her mouth made this perfect circle, with her lips puckered out. I have the strongest urge to force her to her knees and slide my cock between them to see how wide I can stretch her mouth.
We get out of the car as my phone rings. I nod for Prospect to go with her and take the time to lean back on the car.
“What did you find out?” I ask. I’m usually the man on the other side of the line, and so is Casper, so this is a bit strange for us both.
“Phone is shot, but I pulled the SIM card. It’s pretty banged up, so I only got about twelve hours of data. A few emails from work. Guess she’s an accountant or some shit with the jargon, confirming what we already knew. Got an address and shit. Also found a few interesting texts.”
“Really?” I watch as my riding buddies make it up to the rather dull one-story house. The yard is like the others, all dead grass, but it’s still technically winter for another few weeks, even if the snow has melted away.
“Yeah. Tell me if you find any of these interesting. ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ ‘I’m going to kill you.’ ‘You better have fallen off a cliff and died on impact because I’m not paying to bury your ass.’”
“Interesting indeed. Can we figure out who they’re from? What time did they come in?”
“Two o’clock last night, and the last one about an hour ago. Can’t figure out how your setup works to get the number run, but get this. The name associated with it is ‘Die Bitch.’”
“Fucking hell, man, you better not be messing up my shit. Send me the number, and I’ll run it from here. Took me a fucking week to get my settings back to normal last time you tried your hand at my desk when I was down with that flu a year ago.”
“Quit your crying or I’ll tell Law to throw you to the curb and promote Prospect.”
Great, so everyone knows the club has a backup and I’m fucking replaceable. Fucking awesome. “Laugh it up, asshole, and just send me the fucking number. The sooner I can get this chick her memory back, the sooner I can get back to work.”
“Oh, spoke to the VP before I called you. With this new intel, Bulldog wants you to also take out any threats on her too. Since we owe her and all.”
“Fucking hell.”
His chuckle irritates the shit out of me. “Told you the Reaper is a sick fuck and just loves to mess with us.”