Page 93 of Beau's Beloved

“That’s what I thought.”

“Again, what does it prove? That Cena suspected my grandmother had a baby?”

“What about the photos of you?” Beau reminded me.

“What photos?” Decker asked.

“Let me see if I can find them.” Beau didn’t move until I nodded. “I think they’re just in the other room.”

“Weird place to put a photo,” I muttered, fingering the one Decker handed back to me.

“Not really. There were pictures taped inside cupboards in the house where I lived as a teenager. I think people did that back in the day, especially when it was a place they looked often. Quick reminder of someone they cared about.”

“Here they are,” said Beau, handing the envelope to Decker.

He removed each of the photos and set them side by side on the table, then raised his head and glared at Beau.


“You just remembered these now?”

“My apologies,” he responded under his breath when Decker pulled out his cell phone. Beau glanced at me, and I shrugged. I hadn’t thought about them, either.

“Hey, I need you up at the main residence as soon as you can get here.” He ended the call and set his phone on the table. “Anything else you’ve neglected to tell me about?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”

Decker held up his hand. “Not you, Sam. Him.” When he winked, I let out the breath I was holding. Apparently, Beau hadn’t seen it, given his scowl.

“He’s joking,” I whispered.

“Hang on.” Decker picked up his phone again and typed something on the screen, then set it down in the same place. “I asked Cord to meet us here too. If he has had his DNA run, that’s the quickest way to prove you’re related to Cena. If he hasn’t, we’ll submit his test at the same time as yours.”

“I hadn’t thought about that. If I am related to Cena, it would mean Cord and I are cousins.” Something about thinking we might be made me really happy. “I hope I’m not setting myself up for more disappointment,” I added under my breath.

“Remember, we’re going to continue moving forward,” said Beau, leaning close and kissing my cheek.

Our eyes met, and neither of us looked away. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t called and asked for his help? What if I’d just tossed the envelope in the trash, believing it was a hoax? Would either Beau or I ever have had the guts to admit our feelings? Would we even have realized them?

That we loved each other was so much bigger, so much more important than this house, the estate, the money, even finding out I had a family I never realized I had.

If it all disappeared in the next hour, the most important person in my life would still be right beside me. As he’d said, we were a family. Beau and me. And Wanda. That alone proved how much he loved me. I’d never admit it to him, but he took better care of my cat than I did.

“How I wish I knew what you were thinking,” he murmured.

I leaned forward and kissed his neck right beneath his ear. “Yes,” I whispered.

He pulled back and looked at me with scrunched eyes. “Yes?”

I smiled. “Yes.”

He smiled too. “Yes?” Each time he said it, his voice got louder.

My eyes filled with tears, and I nodded.

Beau stood and pulled me up with him, gathering me in his arms and spinning us both in a circle. “She said yes!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Decker watching the two of us. His smile was as broad as Beau’s and mine.