Page 86 of Beau's Beloved

After an hour, I’d yawned several times in quick succession and it was getting harder to focus on the photos.

“What do you say we call it a night?” said Beau when I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Do you want us to clean all this up?” Juni asked.

“Thanks, but no. I’ll keep working on it tomorrow.”

As if on cue, Wanda jumped off the bed where she’d been perched for the last couple of hours and headed straight for the piles of pictures.

“Not so fast,” said Beau, scooping her into his arms.

“We could put them in one of the other bedrooms and close the door,” Juni suggested.

Before I could start gathering any, Beau handed Wanda to me. “You tend to your cat-daughter, and we’ll handle this.”

I burst out laughing. “Cat-daughter?”

He shrugged. “What else would you call her?”

“Fur baby?”

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Clever, but the added eye roll is what really nailed it.”

“I didn’t make that up. It’s what everyone says.”

“Grayson, do you refer to your cat as your fur baby?” Beau asked.



“Um, no, but—”

Beau held up his hand. “I think we’ve effectively established it’s not whateveryonesays.”

I couldn’t just watch them clean up my mess without feeling guilty, so I carried Wanda into the bathroom with me and shut the door.

“I wish Cena was here to explain all this. I guess if she were still here, I wouldn’t be. You’d think she would’ve left me a letter or something, though. Wouldn’t you?”

Wanda did look up at me briefly, then shut her eyes and purred.

“And if there was a letter, you’d think the lawyer would’ve included it in what he sent to me, right?”

“Right,” said Beau, opening the door. “Everything’s put away. Safe for you and Wanda to come out now.”

“Beau? Maybe we should ask the lawyer to check again for a letter.”

He nodded. “That reminds me. He’ll be here at nine tomorrow morning. I asked if he could come a bit later, but he said he has another meeting at ten.”

“Nine’s fine.”

Beau raised a brow.

“What? I’ve been known to get up that early.”

“Nine here is six in California.”

“I appreciate you pointing that out. Now, I’ll never get to sleep nor will I want to get up at nine tomorrow.”