Page 78 of Beau's Beloved

“Proved you’re not over Daphne.” I folded my arms and sat down. I shook my head, willing myself not to cry, but the tears came anyway. “I’m such an idiot.”

He sat beside me. “You’re not an idiot, but you are wrong.”

I couldn’t look at him. I was too angry.

“What you heard was fear-induced anger. Yes, I was surprised to hear Cru say he and Daphne had been seeing each other. But that isn’t what made me angry. It was his hesitancy at a time when every moment counts. That he chose to tell menow, when it’s probable a woman I’ve known almost as long as I’ve known you is in danger, infuriated me.” Beau raked his hand through his hair. “I’m getting off subject. The point is, I’m not the person you’re accusing me of being, Sam.”

“I haven’taccusedyou of anything.” I took a deep breath. “Look, I get that you’re not as over Daphne as you thought you were. It’s evident from your reaction as well as your need to lie to me about it.”

“You have known me since we were children. Do you truly believe I would profess my undying love for you and also ask you to marry me if I was in love with Daphne?”

“I don’t know what to think.” I didn’t need to see his face to know my words had hurt him. “Traitor,” I muttered when Wanda jumped on the bed and stretched out next to him rather than me.

Beau picked her up and set her between us. “Please look at me, Samantha.”

When I shook my head, he slid off the bed and knelt in front of me, trapping me between his arms.

“Look into my eyes.”

I didn’t want to, but that was just being childish. When my gaze met his, I saw the same anguish I was feeling.

“I am not in love with Daphne. I never was in love with her. I know that now. What is between us feels so different. Cutting my own heart out would be easier than walking away from you, not having you in my life, not having you as my wife or the mother of our children. You are everything to me, Samantha.Everything.”

He moved his hands, which had been resting on the mattress, to my waist.

“Youknowevery word I’ve just said is the truth.”

I did, but none of it eased my fear. If Beau changed his mind about us and he and Daphne became a couple again, I would be heartbroken. “Letting you in, opening my heart like I have, has been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. If you—”

“I won’t. I swear it.”

“You don’t know what I was going to say.”

Beau’s head cocked. “Don’t I? How’s this? I swear on the memory of my beloved mother I will never walk away from us. More, I will never stop loving you, not only as a friend, but as the woman I was destined to spend my life with.”

I dropped my head. “You have no idea how much I want to believe you.”

“Then do.” Beau put his finger on my chin and raised it so our eyes met again. “I’m sorry for overreacting and sorrier that what you heard made you doubt my love for you.” His phone vibrated. “Bloody hell. I must take this.”

I tried to move out from between his arms, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Daphne? I’ve got the call on speaker. Sam is here with me.”

“Beau, I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to do.”

It sounded like she was crying. Then we heard jostling, and the call ended.

Beau stood. “We need to—”

“Go!” I followed him as he raced downstairs.

“She just rang again.”

Cru was putting a jacket on.

“Hang on,” Decker said, holding up a finger in Beau’s direction. “There’s a private airfield ten miles from here, Cru. Transport will be there before you are. I’m sending the tracker to your phone now so you can see where Daphne is in real time. A team will meet you wherever she’s at when you land.”

“Copy that,” Cru responded. He looked over at Beau.