Page 69 of Beau's Beloved

“I like it,” I said, wrapping my arms around him and pivoting our bodies so he was under the showerhead.

“Have I told you how much I love feeling your naked body next to mine?”

“God, Beau,” I groaned when he reached around, cupped the cheeks of my bottom, and I felt his hardness press against me. “I will never get enough of you.”

He pulled back and put his finger on the bottom of my chin, raising my face. “Do you mean it?”

I understood why he asked. We both felt insecure, doubtful, maybe even disbelieving. He needed my reassurance as much as I needed his. “I do, Beau. Every word.”

When he kissed me, I felt everything—desire, love, relief, appreciation, acceptance, and peace. Beau and I belonged together. If there was any one thing in life I was sure of, it was that. I wasn’t ready to tell him I’d marry him, but I wasn’t as far away as I thought I’d be.

“I need to be inside you.” His voice was thick with the same need I felt.

He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around him at the same moment I felt him join our bodies together. I clung to his shoulders as he raised and lowered me onto his hardness. In what felt like minutes, we’d both climaxed, but he didn’t let me go. He held me in his arms, and we kissed.

When he finally released me and I slid down his body, Beau was studying me. “We need to talk about my neglectfulness in using a condom.”

“It’s been a really long time since I’ve been with anyone else, Beau. Even then, we used protection.”

His shoulders tensed, and he brought his forehead to mine like he’d done so often in the last few days. “You need never tell me about othermenagain.”

“It’s the same for me. I don’t want to know anything at all about the other women in your life.”

“Agreed. Now, what about birth control? I’ve already told you I want to have children with you, so I’m more concerned about what you want, or don’t want, as it were.”

“I get a shot every three months.”

“Then, I’ll stop worrying about it, or should I be more responsible?”

“It isn’t just you, Beau. I got caught up in the moment too. But I think we should both stop worrying about it.”

“How I wish we could have more uninterrupted time together,” Beau said as we finished our shower then stepped out of the small enclosure. “And that Cena’s house has much larger bathrooms.”

“Me too. On both counts.”

“By the way, we have an appointment with the attorney, Sokolowski Jr., in one hour. I also sent a message to Mr. Schultz, requesting he make himself available to meet later this afternoon.”

“You’ve been busy.”

Beau leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose. “You were in the shower a long time.”

I wasn’tsure what I expected when we arrived at the attorney’s office, but it wasn’t the chaos we were looking at.

The man, who appeared to be close to my age, stepped around the desk in the one-room office when we walked in the open door.

“Hey, I’m Gerry. Most call me Chip, though.”

“Beau Barrett, and this is Samantha Marquez.”

Chip shook my hand, then Beau’s. “Welcome, and sorry about the mess. My dad was, what’s the word? A bit of a hoarder?”

A bit?I thought but didn’t say.

“How did he ever find anything?” said Beau, shaking his head.

I smiled, glad he was never afraid to speak his mind.

“Yeah, I don’t know. I’m, um, trying to get out from under it now. That’s why I haven’t hung out my shingle, as they say.”