Page 64 of Beau's Beloved

He nodded and stood, holding his hand out to me. “Let’s go.”

“Are we finished with Mr. Creola?” I asked.

“For now.”

“Coincidences abound,”he said once we were in the SUV.

“Cena’s attorney dies. Then Cord’s uncle. Then Cena herself.”

Beau’s jaw was tight. “I’m beginning to think there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark, as they say.”

The feeling of dread in my stomach intensified. “Do you suspect foul play?”

Beau reached over and took my hand. “Not yet, particularly with Cena. However, I’m sure you’ll agree that all is not on the up-and-up.”

“I do.”

“What were you thinking earlier?”

I couldn’t lie to Beau, even knowing the answer would hurt him.

“Whatever it is, just say it.”

I turned to face him. “A few minutes into the meeting, I wondered if, once you have to leave, I can manage this on my own.”

Hurt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly masked it. “And now?”

“This is all too much for me, Beau. Even if everything was on the up-and-up, as you said, it’s too much.”

“I have another question.”

I took a deep breath, anticipating what he was about to say.

“Why did you say ‘once I had to leave’?”

When I tried to remove my hand, he held on tighter.

“You have a life, Beau, and it isn’t here.”

His jaw clenched. “The hell, it’s not.”

“What about Barrett Family Estates?”

“I can assure you my father and brother are perfectly capable of hiring someone to assume my responsibilities. In fact, the pool of qualified candidates is vastly greater in Napa Valley than it is here.” He leaned in closer. “Tell me what precipitated these thoughts.”

As I figured would happen, my eyes filled with tears.

Beau dropped my hands and leaned against his seat. “Let me guess. You’ve convinced yourself what I feel for you isn’t real. Either that, or you think it won’t last,” he snapped.

“Don’t be mad at me. I’ve seen it happen before. I can’t help but think—”

“Wrong, Samantha. Youcanhelp but think I would leave you, given I have professed my love many times now. What’s more, you said you love me too.”


“I’m not finished.”

I couldn’t remember another time when Beau had raised his voice to me like he did now.