Page 60 of Beau's Beloved

I had no idea what this had to do with the man at the pub, but the story was fascinating in itself. “Go on,” I repeated.

“We thought everything would be said and done with the inheritance when we returned to the lawyer’s office, but that’s when we learned there was more. As I said, Buck was first. I was next.”

“What does that mean?” Sam asked.

“That’s why I’m here. Actually, that’s what got me here. The why is a mystery.”

“Quite conveniently timed, given your uncle had just passed away,” I commented.

“I think that was coincidental. All the trust said was I was supposed to travel to East Aurora, New York—a place I’d never heard of—and get a job at the Lilacs. And, like my brother, I have to remain here a full year.”

My eyes met Sam’s, and I wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was. Had Cena had a hand in this? If so, what was Cord’s connection to her?

“I hate to disrespect the dead, but I guess it’s a good thing my uncle died when he did. I’m not sure I would’ve been hired on otherwise.”

“You don’t think your uncle would’ve given you a job, considering the trust’s stipulations?” I asked.

Cord shook his head and scrubbed his face. “He didn’t know me from Adam, sir.”

“Was he your father’s brother?”

“No. My mother’s, and until that day in the lawyer’s office, no one in our family knew she had any siblings.”

“An hour ago, I would’ve said Cena Covert leaving everything to me was the most bizarre thing I’d ever heard, but, Cord, I think you’ve got me beat.”

He smiled. “Not a distinction I desire.”

“Believe me, I understand.”

“What about the man who hired you? Hoss Schultz?” I asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Does he know anything?”

“He says he doesn’t, and that’s why he asked me to stick around until the estate was figured out.” He looked between us again. “Have you met him yet?”

“We have not,” I responded.

“I have no reason for thinking this other than my gut saying I should, but I have a feeling Hoss may have expected someone else would inherit.”

“Who did he think would?” Sam asked.

“I have no idea except, that man you saw at the bar? The one who was throwin’ daggers at me?”

“Yes?” I asked.

“It wasn’t the first time I’ve seen him.”

“Where else have you run into him?”

“Here. Talkin’ to Hoss.”

My earlier desire to implement security measures on the property intensified. Until it was in place, I wouldn’t feel comfortable suggesting Sam stay here.

“Would you both excuse me?” I asked, standing.

“Of course,” Sam responded, but I saw curiosity in her eyes.