Page 51 of Beau's Beloved

My ego wanted to confess our first time making love was more hurried than I would’ve preferred, but why speak negatively when I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than the way Sam and I fit together? I was back to thinking about the puzzle pieces. She and I fit in a way I never had with anyone else.

There had been other women in my life, most notably Daphne, and I loved her. But I was notinlove with her nor had I ever been.

My insecure ego was also clamoring for me to ask how long she’d felt this way, when she knew, how she knew, but I kept my mouth shut. Did any of it matter when she was lying naked in my arms?

I was ready for round two when I heard Sam’s stomach growl, followed by her giggle. “Sorry,” she murmured.

“I’ll admit there’s not been a time in my life I’ve missed as many meals as I have these few days I’ve spent with you.” I raised her chin and kissed her. “However, there was something else I wanted more than food.”

I felt her body tense, then quickly relax.

“Did I say something wrong?”


I chuckled. “No? That’s it?”

She buried her face in my neck, then kissed beneath my ear.

“Samantha, start talking.”

“I’d rather you continue to think I’m a self-sufficient, completely secure woman, with zero self-doubt.”

“Continue? When did I ever think that?”

She pinched my side.

I wished she’d look at me rather than hide. “Come on, out with it. Shatter my illusions.”

“You said you were in love with me.”

“That’s right. Head over heels, in fact. And you said it back.”

“You were telling the truth.”

“I was, but I suspect your gaze into my eyes was also to confirm I was.”

“Yes and no. I mean, I wasn’t looking for it.”

“The dratted eye twitch. I suppose the lack of it is as telling as when it happens. However, I fear you’re still trying to convince yourself that what I feel for you is real.”

“More, that it will last.”

“Samantha, please look at me.” It took a few seconds, but when she finally did, I breathed in deeply. “Shall I tell you all the reasons I love you? Should I confess how long I’ve wanted this? Like you, do I dare allow you to think I’m not the self-sufficient, completely secure man you believe me to be?”

“Self-sufficient?” she said, smiling.

“Yes, I suppose that part was a stretch. Either way, I was experiencing the same worry you shared with me. Per usual, you are braver than I and admitted it long before I could muster the courage to do so.”


“Yes, my love?”

“I’m starving.”

I laughed and kissed her hair. “Room service or venture out?”

“Room service, definitely.”