“We should talk.”
When she took a deep breath and slowly let it out, I wished I’d done as she suggested and gone for a drink on my own.
Her eyes softened, and in them, I could swear I saw pity. “If you mean about the kiss, don’t worry. I won’t make more of it than it was.”
More than it was? It waseverything. Could she truly be so unaffected by it? “I’m…I…um…”
Sam closed the distance between us and put her hand on my arm. “Come on. Wanda is probably going batty stuck in the bathroom.”
“My cat?”
“I know who Wanda is.”
She smiled. “Good. Let’s go.”
Apparently, we were going to pretend the kiss had never happened. Or at least that it didn’t mean anything.
I couldn’t, though, not when I wanted it to happen again. Many times over, in fact. If she wasn’t willing to talk about it now, perhaps she would once we returned to our suite.
We were about to enter the lift when I received a message on my mobile. “Excellent news. The solicitor, err, attorney has returned early and is willing to meet with us tomorrow instead of waiting until Monday.”
Sam’s eyes widened. “What time?”
“At our convenience.”
“I’d like to visit the church tomorrow.”
“Of course. Whatever you want to do.”
“I mean I want to go to the service, Beau.”
“Right. Yes. Fine.” We were going to church? I couldn’t remember the last time I’d set foot in one, other than to attend a wedding.
I unlocked the door to the room and motioned for Sam to go ahead of me, then watched as she hurried to the lavatory to let her cat out. Once she had, Wanda raced in my direction, winding herself around my legs. I reached down and gathered her in my arms.
“She loves you,” Sam said, taking a seat in the rocking chair.
“At least someone does,” I muttered.
Per usual, the woman I wanted to gather in my arms the same way I had her cat, rolled her eyes.
“Shall I make other arrangements for…”
Sam leaned forward. “For what?”
I cleared my throat. “Alternate accommodations?”
“You can’t be…”
“Can’t be what?” I asked, somewhat relieved I wasn’t the only one unable to finish a sentence.
“It was one kiss. You don’t have to worry about me making more of it than it was. If it’s making you that uncomfortable, you shouldn’t have done it.”
“I won’t apologize.”
“I didn’t ask you to.” When she stood and approached, it was to take Wanda from my arms. “I’ve had a long day. I’m tired, and I need rest. If you’d prefer, I can sleep there.” She motioned with her head to the most uncomfortable-looking sofa I’d ever seen.