Page 34 of Beau's Beloved

I covered my mouth with my hand when I couldn’t stop myself from grinning. By that statement alone, it was evident Sam was already warming up to the possibilities ahead of her. “I’m sure the attorney can shed light on how Mrs. Covert managed.”

Once inside theinn’s lobby, something in one of the display cases caught my eye. It was a photo of the sign at the entrance to the estate. “Sam, wait,” I said. “You must see this.”

She walked over and stood next to me, leaning down to look at the photos shown. “Mr. and Mrs. Manley Covert,” she read. Then she repeated the man’s name. “It sounds familiar, but manly is also a common adjective.”

“One used when talking about me, for example.” I winked.

“Uh, no. Never that I’ve heard.” She winked, too, then studied the other pictures. “Look at this.”

I leaned in close enough for our arms to touch and breathed in Sam’s scent. What would she do if I moved her hair from her neck and kissed the soft spot beneath her ear? Fearing she’d belt me, followed by refusing me entry into our room, I refrained.

It—refraining—was becoming increasingly difficult to do. Especially when I fell asleep with her body next to mine. Dreams of wrapping her in my arms, spooning her, nestling my hardness between the cheeks of her perfect arse, plagued me. I feared I’d do just that in my sleep and send her running as far from me as she could.



“Did you read this?”

I studied the postcard she’d pointed to and read it aloud. “I saw you the night of the dance and think if you ever see me again, you will know me.” It was to Mr. Manley Covert, posted to the address of the Lilacs.

“It belonged to his family,” Sam murmured.

“So it appears.”

When she looked at me and smiled, the longing I felt, wanting to kiss her more than take another breath, had me reeling. It was not unlike the night before, when she’d commented that the steak I ordered for her was “practically orgasmic.” A cold shower hadn’t helped then, and it likely wouldn’t now.

“Excuse me,” I heard Sam say to the concierge. “Do you know anything about the Coverts?”

The woman approached but shook her head. “I don’t. However, I just started working here. You may have better luck asking the morning staff.”

Sam thanked her, and we continued studying what was in the cases. Most of the photos were of Cena and Manley together at various stages of their lives.

“This must be their son,” she said, pointing to a snapshot of the two with a baby. Sam leaned in to read the caption. “Hmm. According to this, Manley Jr. was born in 1955.”

“Is that date significant?”

Sam shrugged. “He was close to my grandmother’s age, but I don’t think that means anything.”

“I would say any clue should be considered as such.”

“I guess.”

“Shall we check on Wanda, then find somewhere to eat in the village?” I asked when she straightened and looked around the room.

“I wish I had a picture of her. Or of them.”

I hadn’t thought to check the website for family photos, but there might be some. “Let’s go upstairs. You see to Wanda, and I’ll look for photographs.”

Sam followed me to the lift, but she seemed deep in thought. If only I knew what about. She seemed to vacillate between interest in learning more about Cena, at least, and not wanting any part of the inheritance the woman had left her.

I wondered how I’d react to similar news. Certainly, it wouldn’t have any financial impact. The mystery surrounding the connection was what would intrigue me the most.

Seemingly, there was no link between anyone in Sam’s family and Cena’s. While I knew little about her father, Madeline, Sam’s mother, was born in California and, according to what she’d said in the past, her mom was of Spanish or Mexican descent. “Was your grandmother from Mexico?” I asked.

Sam looked up at me. “I don’t know.”

My eyes scrunched before I thought better of it.