Page 52 of Beau's Beloved

We madelove again while we waited for our food to be delivered, then again after we ate, and again after that.

I had no idea how I’d gone twenty-seven years—or at least fifteen, since I hit puberty—without knowing the exquisite pleasure of being with Sam. It was akin to making love for the very first time.

I wouldn’t say she was the most experienced lover I’d ever been with, but that didn’t change how absolutely, magnificently perfect being inside her felt. Watching her face when she orgasmed was breathtaking, and in the aftermath, holding her filled me with joy and a sense of peace, knowing I belonged in her arms and she in mine.

“I hate to say this…” she began.

“I have a feeling I’m going to hate hearing it more.”

“As much as I want to stay in this room and never leave, I feel as though we should return to the Lilacs before it gets dark. I’m hoping we can connect with the man the attorney said was taking care of the horses.”

“I agree with every part of what you’ve just said, including wishing we could stay in thisbedand never leave. I mention this specifically, given I don’t believe there’s a single other piece of furniture in the suite conducive to lovemaking.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if we went to the Lilacs?”

“Not at all.” When Sam shifted her body so it was no longer resting on mine, I immediately wanted her to come back. I rolled out of bed, caught up with her on the way to take a shower, and put my hand on her shoulder. “I fear you’ll quickly tire of me touching you.”

“Never, Beau.”

“In that case, you won’t mind sharing a shower.”

“If I fit.” She winked.

I agreed the enclosure was not overly large, considering I was six feet two and weighed over two hundred and twenty pounds. “I can wait until you’re finished.”

Sam shook her head.

“You’re certain?”

She opened the glass door and pulled me in with her. In order to fit, her body had to be flush with mine, not that I minded.

“Maybe we should rethink leaving,” she said, reaching around to grip my arse with both hands.

I rested my forehead against hers, willing my body to settle down. “Do you have any idea how much I love you? Love this?”

“I think I do.”

After washing her hair and body, Sam pivoted both of us so she was no longer under the flow of water, then opened the door to step out. I immediately felt a chill that had nothing to do with cold air. I never, ever wanted to be away from this woman. Not for a week, a day, or even an hour. Minutes would be difficult enough.

“Will you tell me if I’m overdoing it?” I asked when I turned off the shower and she handed me a towel.

Her head cocked. “In what way?”

“Too much togetherness.”

“Beau, I haven’t counted the hours since we went from friends to lovers, but it might be too soon to evaluate how it’s working out.”

As right as she was, it didn’t change the dread in my stomach whenever I considered how I’d feel when the time came that we’d have to be apart. I only hoped it wouldn’t be often or for too long.

The sun had setby the time we arrived at the barn to find a truck with Colorado plates parked near the entrance. Sam and I were about to walk in when a man came out.

“Hello, can I help you?” he asked.

“This is Samantha Marquez, and I’m Beau Barrett.” He tipped his hat to Sam, and he and I shook hands. “Sam has inherited the property,” I said, not knowing how else to be other than direct.

His brow furrowed, and he looked from me to her. “Pardon my manners, ma’am. I’m Cord Wheaton.”

When she didn’t speak, I continued. “It is our understanding that you were employed by Mrs. Covert to care for her livestock.”