Page 27 of Tempting the Maiden

Tuck shot me an annoyed look. “Boy, you’re as bad as Father Benjamin, who leads the novices’ lessons.”

Given my current situation, my sympathy had its bounds, so I jumped to the answer. “Saint Matthias replaced Judas as Christ’s twelfth apostle.”

Tuck still looked blank. I wanted to shake him.

“Don’t you see? Matthias replaced Judas…”

Tuck’s eyes lit in realization. “And Prince John wants to replace King Richard.”

“Exactly. I fear he plans to marry me and claim the throne for himself, using my family name to underscore his power.”

Tuck’s teeth extended in a sign of lion rage. “When is the feast of Saint Matthias?”

“February 24.”

Tuck’s jaw dropped. “But that’s…that’s…”

I nodded wearily. “Next week. That’s why I came here.”

He looked skeptical. “I hate to say it, but missing the date won’t make Prince John look for a better prospect.” He snorted to himself. “Not that he’d find one. Where else is he going to find someone so rich, beautiful, and politically useful?”

I smacked him. “Thank you?”

He stuck up his hands. “I’m thinking the way he would think, not how I think. Although you are beautiful.” He fended off my next smack. “Just saying! It’s not what I value in you.”

I stuck a hand on my hip. “No? What do you value in me, then?”

He shrugged. “Everything. You’re kind. You care. You’re classy, but not snobby.”

I snorted. “And you know this because…?”

“I saw all that yesterday. Also, you know weapons. Definitely a plus point.”

My lips curled up.

“Your needlepointing leaves something to be desired…” he went on, waving at the canvas.

I huffed. “That’s your measure of character?”

“No. That’s the point. You’re not content to do what you’re supposed to do. You get out and do important things. Really important things.”

My lips cracked open, but no words came out, because what exactly did you say to something like that? Thank you? You’re the only man who’s ever bothered to see beyond the obvious?

For a moment, we stared at each other. My arms twitched with the urge to hug him. Warmth filled the chilly space between us, and I swear, my eyes glowed the way Tuck’s did.

Then Tuck gave himself a little shake and pulled me toward the back stairs.

“We can discuss details later. Right now, you have to get out of here.”

I followed him gladly, winding down the dark spiral staircase. But gradually, my steps slowed.


“Wait?” Tuck echoed, exasperated. “We have to get you out of here. Prince John could be on his way now.”

I held my ground, struggling to put my spinning mind in order. “What if… What if I stayed?”

Tuck stared. “Are you crazy?”