Page 14 of Tempting the Maiden

I frowned, looking down. “Did I do it wrong?”

He shook his head quickly. “On the contrary. All good. Too good.” Then he cleared his throat and reached for my rope belt. “May I?”

I kept my arms out of the way, pretending not to enjoy him rearranging the belt.

Then he cleared his throat again, backed away, and took in his handiwork.

“Good. Right. Perfect. Except the hair, maybe. I mean, it is perfect, but that’s not the point. I mean…”

Aha. So, it was possible to get this smooth operator flustered. Good to know.

I brushed my hair back and flipped the hood up. “Better?”

“Better.” His voice was a little wobbly, though.

I followed him down the back stairs and out a side door. And boy, when it came to stealthy, the man was a pro.

Lion shifter, my beast side murmured dreamily.

I knew a few, and while Tuck had the same fighting spirit, he was different too. More playful, less snobby. Unique, in a word.

My animal side grinned. We’re a perfect match.

I sighed. If only things were that simple.

He paused to peek around every corner, reminding me of the spy games Willa and I had played as children. My spirits soared at the chance to see her.

Still, I’d packed brass knuckles and several daggers, just in case the good friar wasn’t as sunny or honest as he seemed.

“Link your hands at your stomach, keep your chin down, and stay beside me,” he instructed when we stepped outside.

My breath crystallized before me, and my worn riding boots crunched over the frosty ground. I was sure someone would see through my cover, but the few monks we passed gave uninterested nods in passing.

Inside the stable, Tuck worked briskly to hitch two mules to a wagon.

“Come now, Rita,” he murmured, backing one into position.

Ah, lucky girl, to feel those big, capable hands moving over her body and hear her name murmured from so close.

I coughed a little and petted my horse, who perked her ears excitedly.

“Sorry, Snow. Not today.”

I petted Rita next, and she swished her tail contentedly. Then I caught Tuck studying me.

“What?” I demanded.

He rubbed his chin. “The girls are cranky around anyone but Geoffrey or me.” He glanced down the row of stalls extending along the barn, and though he didn’t say it, his expression said, Some of the other horses too.

I flashed a smile, though it was a little forced. “I guess I have a way with horses, and my father always said I’m as stubborn as a mule.”

I kept my eyes down, lest he see through me. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t entirely the truth either.

The wagon was already loaded with sacks of bread, potatoes, and other such goods. Something clinked when Tuck concealed a lumpy pouch among them. Coins?

Tuck broke into a coughing fit, then flashed an innocent smile. “Well, we must get going. Need a hand, m’lady?”

I sprang up and took the reins. “Got it all under control, thank you.”