Page 96 of Dark Moon Secrets

“I’ll take that as you plan to hurt me.”

My voice was as calm as it could be, all things considered. That’s what you should do when talking with an animal—have a calm voice—but I didn’t think it was going to work.

What could this wolf want with me?

The wolf wanted something—the way it looked at me, the hate in its eyes was undeniable. It didn’t want something. There was no doubt it wanted me.

No way I was going to let that happen.

I lifted my arms, bringing my hands together to join the growing magic from my left and right sides. This was going to have to be the most powerful spell I’d ever cast if I wanted to live. And I did want to live. I wasn’t going anywhere until I’d avenged my parents’ deaths.

“Are you the one who killed my parents?” I glared back at it, letting my power grow.

My nerves settled, even though my pulse remained hard and fast, terror pulsing through me as I faced off against an enemy I never knew existed. It didn’t matter if I could fight it or not, I had to.

No one else was going to help me out of this mess.

Aim for the head.

Maria’s voice helped me to focus. I lowered my eyes to the target, ignoring the details of the wolf, the sharp teeth, and the hate in its eyes that chilled me.

A sound like a stick crunching caused me to turn my head. My focus was broken. Who was there? Another wolf to fight?

Then I saw my wolf.

My stomach tightened, and I almost doubled over in pain. Was he here to fight me too?

Look out.

I threw my magic into the air, sensing that the first wolf was rushing toward me. There was no time to take aim or to finish the spell, and the magic hurtled in a snake-like motion in the air, and most of it hit the wolf.

The wolf’s front paws landed on my chest, pushing me backward. My strength was nothing compared to his.

My head cracked hard on the ground. My arms somehow went up in time to stop the wolf’s jaws from latching onto my neck.

I screamed as his teeth buried deep into my arms. Pain took hold of my body, preventing me from connecting with my magic.

My legs kicked up but didn’t connect to the wolf above me as it moved its head to the side, drawing its teeth through my flesh.

I cried out again.

Why wouldn’t my magic come to me?

I kept trying, fighting against the pain, but no spells formed.

Growling to the side caught my attention. My wolf, the one I thought I could trust, was here. He was going to finish me off for sure.

All I could do was brace myself. I closed my eyes, desperate to connect with my power like I’d been taught.

Then, something hit the wolf above me. He whimpered, caught off-guard, let go of my arms, and I cried out with relief.

I sat up quickly, blood streaming down my arms, the white sleeves of my dress tattered and bloodied.

I scampered backward on my backside in the dirt, trying to get away before I was attacked again. But then I saw what was really happening.

My wolf was fighting the other hard and fast. It wasn’t a normal fight. There was a deeper energy between them, an intention to kill the other.

Could I help my wolf?