Page 85 of Dark Moon Secrets

To keep the power

for the chosen few

known as witches

to help maintain the order

as is our pledge on Earth.”

My magic surfaced as the words were spoken. Standing in the star made it hard to keep it under control, but I managed. I couldn’t fail this.

“Are you ready to start your initiation, Tanjie Shaw, whose blood is from ancient witches, daughter of the future?”

“Yes.” My skin prickled as magic surged through me.

“Then let’s begin.”

“I call on the ancestors, spirits of the past to come and guide us.” Luna held out her hands, head lifted to the dark sky where only stars sparkled tonight.

Nothing happened, then I felt a subtle shift of energy.

Something had arrived in the inner circle and moved around me. I wanted to turn to see it, but I was frozen, held tight as whatever it was inspected me. It didn’t feel like one person but many.

I reached back out to it, wanting to know what it was. It was made of many different energies, spirits melded into one, all with a voice that was considered and made a collective—the ancestral spirit.

I let the image of Mom and Dad form in my mind.

Are you there? I asked.

My fists clutched by my sides as I held on to my magic, trying not to let it go. It would do too much damage here with such power. And I didn’t want to hurt anyone else.

We are here, but not as you know us.

For a second, I felt them, their love, their warmth, and I suppressed a sob.

Then they were gone.

The spirit was a collective again—not one spirit voiced more than another.

What do you want from me? I asked. My insides began to tremble the longer I was held like this.

Why did you do it?

Do what?

You smell of the enemy.

I don’t know what you mean. I am loyal to the witches. I am here to pledge to the coven, to lead over other magical creatures on Earth, and to keep our secret and uphold order.

The sensation I had done something terribly wrong coursed through me, squeezing at my lungs and heart.

No. I haven’t done anything wrong.

You have.

What a shame, it added. You were strong and the one we needed. Maybe there’s a chance… but it’s too hard to say… you confuse us now with your actions. We must contemplate this anomaly you present to us.

They withdrew, leaving me gasping, wanting to call them back, but a lump in my throat stopped the words.