Page 81 of Dark Moon Secrets

I shimmied my hips, sending my lace panties tumbling to my ankles. His eyes looked over my body, and his cock pulsed.

He scooped me up in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist, his cock at my entrance, and I held my breath, wanting him to sink deep inside me. My muscles tightened with anticipation, wanting his cock to convulse within them.

I tilted my hips and pushed my heels into his back to bring me down, slipping him into me. A deep groan came from my mouth as I nearly tipped over the edge into a blissful orgasm.

My muscles contracted tightly, not wanting him to pull out of me. He held me tight, my arms around his neck. I looked into his eyes, the depth and mystery fueling the passion pushing through me. He rocked his hips, sending a wave of pleasure flooding between my legs as I gasped from the building tension of his movement.

I could feel myself approaching my bliss, and I held on to him, trying to slow it down. I didn’t care about any consequences right now. I just wanted the full pleasure of him for our first time together—hot, fast, and satisfying.

He pulled his cock out of me, and I sighed with disappointment. He shifted my weight, my legs slipping from his waist back onto the floor.

“Didn’t want to get to the last page just yet.” He kissed me, his strong arms taking my weight easily and gracefully lowering me to the floor.

I looked up at him as he kneeled by me, enjoying his naked body, his hard cock, and I reached for him, my arms around his neck, my lips on his.

“The last page is a long one, so best get reading,” I said, pulling him down on me.

He shifted his weight to rest on his elbows and not crush me. His hand ran down my thigh, teasing me.

“I don’t want to read just yet,” he said.

“You don’t want to risk the book being closed before you’ve finished the last page?”

“Definitely can’t have that happening.” He leaned down, lips on mine, and he deepened the kiss while his fingers tickled my inner thigh.

I lifted my leg, and he helped, moving it onto his shoulder. Our eyes locked, daring the other to lose control first. I don’t know who won or lost, but then he was in me, moving with purpose, pushing deep into me as my leg rested on his shoulder.

My muscles heightened as they contracted rhythmically around his cock, sensed him thicken, and the motion pushed me toward my peak. My chest arched forward, he pushed deeper into me, and then we spun out of control with pleasure pulsing between us, shooting us together high into the sky.

He lay on top of me in the afterglow, my breasts crushed pleasantly into his chest, and we kissed, still feeling as if in the stars and nowhere near Earth.

“Mind-blowing read?” I asked, our noses nuzzling between kisses.

He chuckled and kissed me gently. “One that is worth doing again in the future.”

“Only if it will be a slower read.”

“Most definitely.”

I barely knew Al, but just had sex with him and was agreeing to more. In his arms, naked, blissfully entwined with him, I didn’t care, but there was a glimmer of a warning prickling through my body.

I had a feeling we had just promised something more than either of us could fully give.

What was it I really had promised Alaric?



Where are they?

Pacing around the shop, I held the book open with my left hand, using my right to keep it from flipping closed. Words blurred, but reading was the only distraction I could think of.

Did I need to go out looking for them?

With a kiss, I pushed Alaric out the door much quicker than I would’ve liked. Hell, the entire encounter with him was faster than I would’ve liked, and I’d question whether it even happened if my body wasn’t still buzzing with the afterglow.

I didn’t want any more dramas. What happened was between us and no one else’s business.