Maria’s energy in my mind embraced me, pulled my thoughts together, helping me feel as if they were all ordered, and all that mattered was I went to sleep because tomorrow was going to be a big day.
First, the night had me tangled in its darkness, and I had to find a way out.
I ran, but it was different.
I was on all fours. Disorientated, I kept moving, weaving back and forth around the bushes and tree trunks as I went deeper into the valley.
My senses sharp, the earthy scent of the ground under my paws, the smell of eucalyptus, animal droppings, rabbits, hopping mice, koalas, and wombats, the flipping of wings in the bushes as I disturbed the wrens, and the movement of the leaves in the breeze—all these smells and sounds caused new neurons to fire in my brain as I tried to process what I was.
I slowed, panting, looked down, and saw paws. Turning, I saw gray fur. I was a wolf. No, I was in a wolf… I wasn’t sure.
Shock recoiled me out of the wolf form, tumbling back toward myself.
But the night hadn’t finished with me yet.
I landed in front of the shop, facing the same wolf I had seen last night. Teeth bared, a low growl grumbling as it blocked the doorway from me.
No, you don’t.
I planned to run forward, then slip to the side, get around the wolf, and go through the door. This time, I wanted to make it through the door.
Instead, the wolf lunged at me. Its head coming straight for me, sharp teeth ready to sink into my flesh.
I could do nothing except scream.
Then the night released me.
I bolted upright in bed, hands covering my head, expecting the wolf to jump on me, its teeth sinking into my muscles and claws digging into my skin.
When nothing happened, I slowly lowered my arms, scared the wolf stood watching me close by, ready to pounce.
My awareness settled, the nightmare faded, and my room slowly came into focus—the potbelly stove with embers glowing through the grill, the chair to the side with the knitted blanket on it, and other items that were becoming more familiar in such a short time.
No wolf.
I exhaled heavily. The dream was so real my pulse remained fast as I sat on my bed, covers over my legs.
What did this mean?
Never before had my dreams been so vivid.
Dream interpretation was a thing, and I’m sure Luna would have a thing or two to say, but I didn’t feel I could tell her without repercussions. I had to be initiated first, then when I learned more about what it meant to be a witch, part of a coven, and what this threat of the wolves really meant, I would be in a better position to be discerning.
A tightness constricted around my chest. I missed my friends, and it was likely I could never tell them any of this. At this rate, loneliness would eat me up inside, leaving me a crusty, empty shell devoid of any emotion.
For now, it was my wits and me.
And me.
Maria’s voice returned to my mind.
You’re not much of a comfort, I responded.
Hurt rippled back at me. It was true, though. She was only in my mind from time to time and not always when I really needed help.
How come I can hear you? I asked. I need answers.
It’s part of your skill set.