Page 69 of Dark Moon Secrets

“Coming down now… just having a shower.”

I was a novice and in no position to act up. Not if I wanted to learn what I needed to about magic and the coven. I had only been here two nights, and what I learned wasn’t enough. That had been made clear enough with my magic hurting Luna. I couldn’t afford to allow that to happen again.

“Hurry up, we have practicing to do today, and more members will no doubt come by to check you out now that Willow and Pepper have visited us.”

“Coming now.”

Which wasn’t true, but I would be after I had freshened up by having a shower. So many times during the night, I had thought about slipping outside, going out into the night and searching for the wolf. I couldn’t stop these thoughts from dominating my mind.

Warm water pelted my skin, waking me up. I wasn’t scared of the wolf, and it wasn’t why I hadn’t gone out to find it.

Learning magic was changing me. The knowledge I was reading or absorbing made me see the world differently. I suppose this was to be expected.

I washed my hair, letting the water dribble down the back of my head, imagining all my thoughts washing away. But they didn’t.

While hesitant about the initiation, I found myself wanting to do it. I wanted to say yes to the coven and pledge myself to them. Become the witch I was meant to be. Who knew if I would lead the coven or not? That detail didn’t concern me yet, but I wanted to meet my destiny instead of being mediocre.

This rite of mine had been put off long enough, and I didn’t want to wait until another dark moon or to be told I wasn’t the one.

A quick shower refreshed me, and then I dressed in my usual attire—jeans, a tight top, and a loose shirt over it. I pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail and went downstairs.

The sound of the kettle greeted me, something I didn’t think I’d get used to. I would have to smuggle coffee in here or work out how to get out of the shop to go to the café.

There was that rather hot guy, Al, who I wouldn’t mind bumping into again. It couldn’t be expected that I would stay here, holed up in the shop, running it and learning magic. It was healthy for me to be out with others close to my age, especially ones who looked as good as Al.

No way did I want to get stuck with Adam. I hoped he wouldn’t come into the shop, though I did want to know if George Parker was doing okay after the accident.

“Thought I’d never get you up,” said Luna as I entered the kitchen. She put fresh muffins and a bowl of fruit on the table.

“How’s Mr. Parker doing?” I asked, picking up a ripe strawberry and popping it in my mouth.


“You know, the accident. Or was it a way to keep me from returning to Sydney?”

“If it was, aren’t you glad? Look what you’ve found out.” Luna set a pot on a corkboard in the center of the table.

She had a point. Even though the accident was staged, I wasn’t returning to Sydney. I should tell Mia and Caleb.

What excuse should I tell them? I would have to make something up. Al’s image came to mind. My friends would believe it if I said I had found a guy, though a little on the quick side—that was definitely more Caleb’s style.

“Did you bake these muffins too?” I turned one over, wishing it was full of sugar.

“Yes, and they’re gluten-free. They’ll give you the energy you need to get through today after the interrupted sleep you’ve had.”

Had Luna heard me tossing and turning? I much preferred it when I was here in the shop by myself.

“Put your special herbs in them?”

“Either way, you need to eat one. I need to start you learning the basics of running the shop, and you must practice.”

“Can’t the shop wait?”

“We have customers who have orders.”

“Really? I thought this was just a rouse?”

“No, this is where the coven meets and buys what they need to be witches. Plus, we do make money with online orders from humans.”