“I hope not. You really should drink some of my tea. You must be at your full strength for tomorrow night’s dark moon. You heard the others when they came here. You’ve been overdoing it.”
I had been, but the encounter with the wolf had changed me. I don’t know, but I was different somehow—more alert, awake. However, I didn’t know that a part of me had been sleeping.
Or was this because of the words I had read and absorbed?
I faked a yawn and stretched. “I think I’m ready to sleep now.”
Luna didn’t move, and I realized she was waiting for me to head upstairs. I didn’t want to leave the book out, but I had no choice.
“You forgot the blanket. It’s chilly tonight. You might need it.” Luna picked up the blanket and froze.
“What is this doing here?” Luna picked up the book.
I shrugged, my mind racing for something I could say that wouldn’t land me in any trouble.
“You’ve been reading this?” Luna’s voice was cold. “It was locked away.”
“The cupboard wasn’t locked,” I lied.
“You shouldn’t be reading this.”
“Why not?” The book had been most helpful.
“You’re not ready. You must go through your initiation first.”
“But I’m still standing here, and nothing bad happened because I read it.”
I preferred Luna to yell at me—not stand there cold and controlled.
“Don’t tell the others you have read it. Promise.”
“Okay, okay, I promise.” I didn’t see what the big deal was.
“Promise,” Luna said sternly.
“What would they do if they found out?”
“Stop your training so you don’t become a witch.”
“Really? From reading a book?” But I knew it wasn’t any book. It had already enhanced my magic.
“You need to pledge to us first, show you are worthy. Don’t mention this to them. You need to show your power first.”
“Fine, I won’t.”
Luna held up the book, fear reflecting in her eyes. “This book is an addiction. You’ll not be accepted if they know you read it. That means no more training.”
“I promise I won’t tell them.” I didn’t want my training to stop.
“Go on, get some rest. It will be time to start the day soon enough.” Luna tilted her head toward the stairs.
I hurried away. Turning back, I saw her holding the book, the magical words lifting from the page as she read it, the light absorbing into her.
At this moment, I knew I wanted the book all to myself and that I had to read it again, no matter what.