I nodded in acknowledgment. I would do as I was told this time and however long it took to ensure I moved up toward the top position of the pack.
“Unless you want me to go spy on the witches. We should start having them all followed, you know.” The coven was small so we could easily track each member.
“Not yet, it’s too soon. We have to be fully ready before we do something like that. They might get on to us.”
All of the supernatural numbers had declined over the years the more the population of humans grew. Our magical abilities were declining. They wouldn’t if the witches let us turn some of the humans. Though a bite wasn’t the same, it would still help our numbers.
“What if the vampires rise too?” I asked.
“That’s why we need to be thoroughly organized first.”
“This is time for the Dark Moon pack to be in their rightful position as leaders,” said Rafe. “Don’t disappoint me, boy.”
“See you later tonight then,” I said before returning to finish bricklaying.
The other pack members nearby stared at me. I had so much lost ground to make up it made me dizzy. I needed something to give me standing in the pack. To show I was working with everyone and not being the lone-wolf type and that I had changed and was mature enough to lead the pack. I could hear the others returning to their work as I laid the bricks. I had to think of a way to bring something to the pack, especially to Rafe.
What could I do?
Knife-like pains turned in my gut. There was one place where I could go to get information.
But could I betray her?
How much did she know about the witches? It was clear the way she struggled last night to command her magic that she was untrained. I wanted to keep her untrained. It could be the only way we might have a chance of something happening between us after the dust settled from the attack. One could only hope that this would be all over quickly.
I didn’t even know her. I wanted to know her, not ruin or use her like that. But ultimately, she was a witch, and I couldn’t forget that her kind never went with my kind.
Either way, I knew Rafe. He would have me closely watched. The bonfire was in two nights, and it was a short time for me to behave myself, gain respect, and be able to influence the pack instead of being in my dad’s shadow.
It was time to attack the witches. But it was also my time to take a position in the pack. And I would do anything for that to happen. I only wish I hadn’t set eyes on Tanjie. Otherwise, moving forward wouldn’t be so complicated.
Swirls of firelight shot from my hand, bursting through the dull light of the shop and hurting my eyes. I fought not to lose control of the magic, my hands trembling with nerves, and shock worked against me.
“Focus,” said Luna firmly. She stood a foot or so away from me, eyes red and tired.
The orange glow settled in front of me, casting a blaze of burned color on the shelves of books where I was nestled. Farther away were bowls of crystals, tarot cards, angel statues, and dream catchers that hung from the ceiling.
This is where I had spent most of the day, casting spell after spell, learning, remembering, and now Luna tested me. Exhaustion beaded on my forehead from the exertion, my entire body supporting myself to manipulate the magic I had summoned.
“Good,” encouraged Luna.
The magic settled, and the trembling in my fingers eased. I was getting the hang of this, but I didn’t allow myself to relax.
My teeth grit tightly, and I willed my magic to remain contained. I stood firm as the power left me but also remained part of me. I held the balance of being in between two states to control the force.
Luna had given me the task of mastering the magic and being able to push it away and bring it back. Motivated since hearing about wolves killing my parents, I wanted to have all the magic I could wield, ready to avenge their deaths.
I had to get this right if I wanted to move on to more powerful spells. I wasn’t about to fail now. So far today, every spell had come easy to me until now.
“You need to get this right before we break,” said Luna.
As if I needed the reminder. I desperately wanted a coffee. The withdrawal headache was bad enough to have to push through, let alone the growing hunger in my belly. But that was nothing compared to how drained I felt after casting each spell.