I should tell him. But my mouth remained closed as bile rose from my stomach. The full realization of what was ahead of me slowly bled into my consciousness.
He held firm to my arm.
“I’m not.”
“If you don’t pull your weight, I’ll find someone else to replace me.”
“I’m pulling my weight.”
He leaned in closer to me. “Do better.”
“Then make me beta.” I couldn’t believe what I was saying. Had it been seeing Tanjie wield her magic, the expression on her face as she learned what it meant to have such power at her fingertips?
“You’re not ready.”
“I’ll learn quickly.”
“Then you show me you’re worthy.”
“I will.” I didn’t flinch at how close he was to me.
“We have to have a united front.”
“I’m here by your side.”
“Make sure you are. Come, I’ve told them I have an announcement. I was just waiting for you.”
I swallowed hard. This was as close to gaining power as I’d ever been in the pack. I hadn’t respected the power it gave me, but I was starting to understand now. I’d been elevated in the pack. I had to follow, no matter what.
“Do you promise?” I asked.
The look of disdain from Rafe chilled me. I had pushed too far and asked too much of him too soon.
“No promises. You show me you’re worthy, then the job is yours.”
It was as good as it was going to get. I could taste the power in my mouth, sweet and robust. I might not have to wait what felt like an eternity before having a meaningful position in the pack.
I followed him to the center of the gathering, standing by his side with my shoulders back and chin high.
“Listen up,” he commanded sharply.
The pack members quieted quickly, turning to face their alpha and me.
“You’ve waited long enough.” He paused, turning to make sure all were looking at him.
“We need guidance, more answers, so we are informed of what lies ahead when we change the order.”
A few cheered, and others raised their glasses in a toast-like action. They were all hanging off what he was saying. They were primed, ready for action. I’d never experienced anything like this.
“At the dark moon, we will have a bonfire.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A bonfire was something we rarely did these days, more so because the witches forbade it.
“We will ask our ancestors for guidance, and we will not be told by those who aren’t our kind what we shouldn’t do.”
Enjoying shouts came from the pack members, and I shivered, the excitement intoxicating me.
“For now, we relax, and Saturday night, we will have the ammunition from our ancestors to take us to victory.”