The urge to go back and continue watching her through the window pulled at me. I fought it.
If I stayed, something might happen between us, but I knew well enough that wouldn’t occur with Luna there. For now, I had to be content with her smile.
The air was cooling quickly as the day began to slip toward night. My hot blood rushed around me, keeping me warm, along with thoughts of Tanjie naked and willing.
My wolf also enjoyed the temptation of her. Pushing to get out, I willed it back down. She wasn’t for him but only for me because she wasn’t wolf and could never be wolf on account of her being a witch.
But it was as if it didn’t matter.
Maybe a walk around the block would be enough time for Luna to leave.
I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t like unfinished business with Tanjie. It would have to be nearly closing time, meaning Luna would leave.
I ran my hand through my hair, taking a deep breath. Where was this illogical thinking coming from? I had to forget her. She was a witch. But then, was she if she couldn’t use her magic?
That had to make it all okay for me to pursue her. That way, I wouldn’t technically be breaking the pack rule and could still have some fun on the side.
My intrigue toward her only grew the further I walked away from her.
My phone buzzed, the movement in my jeans taking me by surprise, pulling my awareness back to the present instead of being lost in the fantasy I could never have.
I slipped my phone from my pocket, holding the screen to see who was messaging me.
Raine: Where are you?
A growl started in my throat. He didn’t need to be checking up on me. It wasn’t any of the pack’s business where I was. Or even his business. I was my own person and could make my own decisions.
I had told him I would get to the pub later anyway. There had been so many meetings over the past weeks that it wouldn’t matter if I weren’t there. I was over all the discussions of possibilities. The only opportunity I wanted to discuss was what I could do with Tanjie.
I went to put the phone back in my pocket when it buzzed again, another message from Raine flashing on the screen.
Raine: Your absence is being noticed. Do you want more trouble?
He had my attention now, and I cursed under my breath. I didn’t want more trouble.
I punched in a response to say I was coming, then hurried toward the pub. The cooling air of the day stung my face, reminding me this was the time I liked to go out and roam. This was my time to be myself, and my wolf urged me to do what I wanted.
I couldn’t be so reckless, not now. My dad had announced that we would bring down the witches and be free to do as we pleased once and for all. I had to be there for the discussions.
I’d seen Tanjie, even though it was only from a distance. It would have to be enough for now. I willed my wolf to see the bigger picture.
Pushing on the door of the pub, The Mystic Brew, I was assaulted by the loud chatting of people influenced by alcohol and the bitter smell of beer.
My tongue tingled, eager to get a pint. But I walked past the bar, nodding to a few of the locals. We were a pack, but no one here knew our secret. We lived our separate lives carefully with humans.
Would that all change? Would we get to live without having to be in the shadows or bound by secrets because humans might hunt us? It all seemed unreal. I had to get in on the conversations and get informed about what was going on instead of allowing myself to be distracted by my desires.
My nose quickly picked up the pack’s scent despite the smells of whisky, beer, and testosterone. I headed toward a set of swinging doors, the logo of The Mystic Brew etched into the glass panels, the hinges creaking with age behind me.
The pack had dominated the beer garden out back, lights strung in a crisscross pattern hung between the trees glowing brighter with the darkening sky. I sensed sparrows in the trees fluffing their wings as they settled in for the night.
This was the time of day I came alive, and my skin rippled. This was the wolfing time, and mine wanted to get out and be free.
I greeted a few of the pack members. They lowered their eyes naturally with respect to who I was. It was power I needed to keep hold of if I ever wanted to replace my dad as alpha. I was slowly understanding what I had here in the pack.
But I had no patience for my dad to die or give me the position. And that was why I wandered at night, searching for pleasure and comfort. I immediately thought of Tanjie and then quickly pushed her image from my mind.
I had to be extra careful now. I was surrounded by my kind with their sixth senses. I needed their respect. More than that, I wanted it. If I had it, I could be freer to do what I wanted instead of being constrained by my dad.