Page 20 of Dark Moon Secrets

I hated to consider what Maria would think of the state of her well-kept car now. But then again, I couldn’t help thinking she wouldn’t care if it meant I stayed here at this shop.

The sound of the ambulance tore through the air, setting my skin prickling and my stomach tightening. So many memories I needed to forget. If only there were a spell for that or a potion.

The ambulance crew was now attending to Mr. Parker, Adam was helping, and some people were trying to work out what to do with the cars and if they could be towed away. I couldn’t tear myself from the scene.

Was this how it happened with my parents? A lump formed in my throat, and I quickly pushed such thoughts away before I burst into tears.

The feeling I was being watched sent my skin prickling. I didn’t know anyone here and wouldn’t count Luna as someone I knew. Maybe I stood out as an out-of-towner, but the feeling was intense, and I couldn’t shake it.

The sense was coming from my right, and I turned.

A shadow moved, someone moved quickly away, and the feeling of being watched was gone. Someone was watching me, and I wanted to know who it was.

Curious, I stepped in the direction where whoever it was had gone, but then yelling at the ambulance caused me to turn back.

“I do not need to get in the ambulance,” yelled Mr. Parker.

I felt like I wanted to help. Adam was struggling to convince Mr. Parker to get in. I don’t know what I thought I could do, but I wanted to help Mr. Parker ease the pain and fear dominating him.

But how could I do that? It wasn’t as if he knew me.

Let them help you, Mr. Parker.

I pushed the thought from my mind and imagined it going to the old man, enveloped in peaceful energy to help him calm down and start to see reason.

“Let me go,” shouted Mr. Parker, struggling against the two ambulance attendants trying to get him strapped onto the stretcher.

“We’re helping you, sir,” said one of them, ducking a punch from Mr. Parker.

“You are not.”

As if my thoughts would have any impact.

Do as you’re told, Mr. Parker, or I’m telling Tabitha. Stop being a stupid old fool.

This time, he looked up, his eyes locked with mine. I was a few feet away from him but knew he’d somehow heard me.

I mean it.

“Fine.” He frowned and slumped back on the stretcher with a dramatic huff.

My breath caught. Was he doing this because of me? Had I just cracked open whatever their plan was and forced him to continue with it?

But there was no way he could’ve heard me. I hadn’t spoken aloud. It had only been a thought in my head with firm intent behind it, but it wasn’t like I had powers that could get him to hear my thoughts. I thought I might have telepathic abilities for a fleeting moment, but that was so stupidly funny.

“Why don’t you come inside, love,” said Luna, placing her arm around my shoulder.

I automatically pulled away from her, but she held me tight as if it was another sign I was staying here whether I wanted to or not. It was clear that while I tried to take control of my life and walk my own path, the universe had other ideas. There was no way I’d be driving out of here.

Mr. Parker was finally in the ambulance, and it was driving away, and as if right on time, a tow truck arrived. Adam greeted the driver, and they shook their heads, looking at the two vehicles.

Was Adam in on this too? I don’t know. The longer I was here, barely an hour, the more I thought I couldn’t trust the locals.

The sight of the smashed vehicles put me on edge. Nightmares of the past shifted to the surface, and I struggled to process anything. How was I meant to manage a shop that stood for nothing I believed in?

There was nowhere for me to run. I had to stay. I did not like being forced into something I didn’t want.

I stood numb, unbelieving at what had happened.