“Come on in. I’ve already got the kettle on.” Luna waved me inside. “Tea will calm you down and clear your head.”
“I don’t usually drink tea,” I snapped as I followed her inside.
This was something I had always said to Maria each month. I had stuck with water since she never had coffee on hand.
“Oh, don’t worry, it’s herbal tea. You’ll like it.”
Luna walked toward the back of the shop, slipping behind a deep-red velvet curtain.
I hung behind, curious about what sort of shop this was. This wasn’t at all what I’d expected. There were actually some books to my left along the wall, but not too many, and they were all New Age books I didn’t want to read.
I heard the kettle boiling. It looked like I was also getting a cup of tea, whether I wanted one or not.
A bit like this bloody store.
Sets of oracle and tarot cards were arranged on shelves near the books. Glass cabinets displayed beautiful jewelry set with semi-precious stones on the other side of the room. Small wooden bowls showed off tumbled crystals in so many colors I’d never known existed. I couldn’t resist crossing the small space and touching them as I tried to process everything.
I’d been half-expecting the typical bookstore with rows of books and more books. Instead, I stood in a New Age store, sick to my stomach, knowing this was what I was to manage for the next year.
The decision was now easy. I would sell the shop as soon as I could. It was a good thing I’d only brought enough things for two weeks, then I planned to be back in my apartment, going out with Mia and Caleb, and moving on with my life.
Don’t you dare.
I shivered at the sound of Maria’s voice in my head. I was certain her voice would disappear by now, yet it was as loud as ever in the store.
“Here we go…” Luna gracefully slipped through the curtains, holding two steaming cups of tea.
“That stone will be great for you right now, you know. You’ve got great intuition, which will help you run the store.”
I looked down at the black stone in my hand that I’d picked up without thinking.
“What is this stone?”
“Apache Tears.” She placed the cups on a small round table covered in a cream-colored lace material off to one side of the shop near the crystals.
“Because?” I didn’t want to know the answer, but I asked anyway.
“Here…” She held out her hand. “I’ll set it for you so your emotions can settle with all the loss you’ve experienced.”
I placed the small black polished stone in her hand. “I’m coping fine.”
“You are, but…” She shook her head. “Your mom says I’m saying too much too soon, and I’ll scare you off.”
My eyes widened. “My mom?”
“Don’t worry, she wasn’t the spirit who’d been trying to contact me before, causing me to be late. She’s so impressed with you.” Luna took a locket from a stand and snapped the crystal inside.
“That doesn’t sound like my mom.”
“Well, then, you would know.” Luna handed back the necklace. “Put it on. It will help with all the emotions whirling around and help you to move past your grief.”
“But I’m doing that already.” I didn’t take the necklace.
“You are.” Luna smiled in such a way I felt calmer within myself, more than I had since Maria had passed, but even longer, more from when my parents had suddenly died.
“You’re the one who picked the stone intuitively. Go with it instead of resisting. You’ll find yourself much calmer.”
I sighed. What would it hurt to wear the necklace?