“More importantly, we need her to heal. If her arms have too much scar tissue…”
“I know it will change her flow of magic.”
“We won’t know for at least two more days.”
“Pepper won’t let that happen.”
“No, and she’s working too hard when Tanjie’s sleeping to heal her arms. We should be watching her more closely. Clearly, the wolves know of her powers now and are hunting her.”
“We can’t be too careful. She’s our future, and we must take more measures…”
So my magic might end up altered? What they said added to my anxiety that I would lose my power only after connecting to it. I already felt lost not being able to use it.
Even though my body was in pain, and I didn’t want to move, some of my muscles protested from being in the same position for too long. I inched to the side to relieve the discomfort. Somehow, I knocked the pillow, which sent a cup tumbling to the floor.
The crash silenced the conversation between Willow and Luna.
Fuck, I had lost my chance to find out more. It was shattered on the floor with the cup. Along with my privacy as both women rushed up the stairs.
“Are you all right?” asked Luna.
“What happened? Is there an intruder?” asked Willow, who glanced at me and then rushed to the window to look outside.
“I’m fine… well, the pain is returning, and I slipped.”
“Here, let me help you,” said Luna as she picked up the pillow. She wore her usual flowing floral maxi dress, her scent fresh soap and lavender.
“I think it’s about time you sat up,” said Luna.
I wasn’t so sure, but it was my arms that were the issue, not my body. I wasn’t one to be lounging in bed for long, even when I was unwell.
“Let’s try it.” I braced myself against the pain I knew was coming.
I let Luna move me up to sitting so she could place the pillow behind me. Then she helped me to shimmy backward. All this time, Willow checked out the room. First with her eyes, then her magic to ensure no one was around. Pink light swirled around the room, then back to her without changing color.
“No one else is here or has been,” Willow said with relief.
“Is this all right for you?” asked Luna, hitting the pillow to fluff it up. She’d stacked it with another.
I leaned back into the softness, my head dizzy from the change of position after being on my back and the pain medication. But after a few slow, deep breaths, I adjusted.
“Much better… thank you.”
Luna started cleaning up the broken cup with her magic, placing the pieces back together and refashioning the vessel.
“Did you have a good night’s sleep?” Luna asked, placing the cup back on the bedside table.
I really wanted to do magic like that. Would I be able to?
I couldn’t see past my injuries right now, and while they told me I would recover, I worried about damage to my muscles and how the scar tissue might change the flow of my magic.
“I suppose so.” It was hard to say, really, after the strong tea Pepper had made for me. At least it was dream-free, or perhaps more accurately, nightmare-free.
Willow eyed me closely, and I shifted uncomfortably in the bed, then immediately regretted the movement. I breathed in sharply.
When would the pain end?
More than that, I wanted to keep using my magic. Not doing so left an emptiness inside me that grew the longer I didn’t connect with my power.