She could only hope the glimpses of blood she caught amidst the chaos weren’t his.
“Enough!” the stranger roared.
Another blast of power struck Willow, pressing her backward harder. Her nails scraped the rough wall.
Kian sprang away from the man, halting directly in front of Willow with his shoulders heaving, his hair a tangled mess, and his hands raised, ready to strike.
The stranger stared at Kian as he lifted a hand to dab the blood from his split lip. Other cuts oozed blood on his cheeks and jaw. Strands of hair hung in his face, his suit jacket was torn at the sleeve, and there were a few more scratches on his bared chest.
He straightened and swept his hair back with a harsh gesture before tugging his disheveled clothing into place. “Explain yourself, Kian.”
Kian maintained his agitated stance. “I do not answer to you, Lachlan.”
“Perhaps not. But we all adhere to the accord.” Lachlan looked past Kian, fixing his gaze on Willow. “You interfered with my feeding. You know the rules.”
That oppressive force faded, and desire stirred in Willow’s core again. She drew in a sharp breath, squeezed her thighs together, and shook her head. “No. No, stop it!”
“Leave her alone,” Kian growled, adjusting his position to shield Willow with his body.
That unwanted, alien desire diminished, but it didn’t go away. Willow pressed a fist to her belly. She struggled to steady her breathing, to slow her heart, to retake control of herself, but she still felt Lachlan’s influence inside her. Still felt the stain left by his magic.
Lachlan chuckled. “This one is ripe with desire. I felt it from quite far away, and it lured me right to her. If you wanted a taste that badly, you should have asked. I would’ve shared.”
“She is mine,” Kian said firmly.
“She does not bear your mark.”
“Yet she belongs to me all the same.”
“Hmm.” Lachlan’s footsteps echoed along the alleyway, but Kian’s body kept the dark-haired fae out of sight. Finally, Lachlan halted, and chuckled again. “You’re young, Pale One, but youth grants you no right to claim ignorance of our ways. I should know. I taught you myself, didn’t I? If this mortal is yours, mark her. But while she bears no sigil, she is fair game.”
“I have declared my claim on her, Lachlan. Walk away.”
“Oh? Is it that simple now? Then who is to say I did not already declare my own claim upon her?” He laughed. “After all, she does bear my mark…of a sort.”
Eyes widening, Willow pressed a hand over the spot on her neck where he’d sucked. Her skin crawled beneath her palm. She swallowed the bile rising from her gut, digging her nails into her flesh as though she could tear off that taint.
Kian growled again and clenched his fists. A drop of blood trickled from his hand, hanging on his thumb claw briefly before falling to the ground. “Touch her again, and I will—”
“You’ll what, Kian? Please, tell me exactly what you think you’ll do. I look forward to the amusement.” Lachlan’s steps drew nearer, and he lowered his voice. “By the accord, you are the transgressor here. You have wronged me. And it is well within my rights to demand this mortal as compensation.”
“Leave,” Kian gritted. “Before I tear out your fucking throat.”
Silence gripped the alleyway, and the stifling tension in the air made it seem like a breathless eternity before Lachlan spoke again.
“This dispute might easily have been resolved. In fact, were it not for your stubbornness, we could’ve avoided it entirely. Haven’t I shown you my capacity for mercy and forgiveness? For generosity? All these years, all these wrongs you’ve done me… You’ve worn my patience quite thin, Pale One. But you’ll learn respect in time.”
Kian’s fists trembled. “We could outlive the cosmos, Lachlan, and you still wouldn’t earn my respect.”
“Another challenge. It always is, from you.” Lachlan sighed. “If I happen across this mortal again and she remains unmarked, I will take her. She will be mine in every way. And I will use her until she has nothing left to give.”
“You so much as gaze upon her again, Hollow Prince, and I’ll demonstrate exactly how little your fucking accord can protect you.”
Lachlan’s chuckle was unconcerned. “Take care, mortal. I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon.”
Then his footsteps were moving away at a nonchalant pace. Willow held her breath as she listened to them gradually fade, until her thumping heartbeat became the louder sound.
Kian lowered his hands, though he kept them balled, and let out a heavy exhalation. Tension still radiated from him, and his movements were uncharacteristically stiff as he looked at her over his shoulder. “You all right, Violet?”