Not that she could ever forget him, even for a moment.
Willow’s smile stretched into a grin.
Kian had given her another gift along with the flowers, a surprising gift that had finally been put to use today.
She rubbed her thighs together. Her body was still weak from what they’d done this morning—weak but so well loved. Her breasts and pussy were sensitive, and her ass was tender. Her skin sported bruises, scratches, and even a bite on her shoulder, which had been a result of Kian being overcome with pleasure in the shower.
What else could she have expected from sex with an incubus? Willow had never been taken so savagely, so vigorously, so passionately. Though despite how bestial Kian could be, Willow didn’t miss the tender longing in the depths of his eyes when he looked upon her. When she was with him, it wasn’t just sex. There was something more, something powerful, something compelling.
It was evident in the way he’d held her afterward. In the way he’d gently cleaned her, the way he’d soothed every scratch and bruise, no matter how tiny. It was in the way he brightened whenever she laughed or smiled.
She felt cared for. She felt cherished.
She felt…loved.
Willow pressed a hand over her heart as though she could slow it.
Kian had left about an hour ago to get a change of clothes from his place, since his clothing had been ruined in his fight with Lachlan yesterday. Willow already missed him. They hadn’t known each other for long, but it was like Kian had said. This thing between them…
It was inevitable.
Willow sighed and lifted the mug to her lips, taking a careful sip of the steaming tea. “I am in deep.”
Loki jumped onto the stool beside her. She looked at him, and he stared up at her with big green eyes.
“Have you guys accepted Kian yet?”
He meowed.
Willow smiled and scratched behind his ear. “I’ll take that as a yes. You’ve all mellowed out around him.”
Loki purred and arched his back as she ran her palm along it.
“Which is a good thing, because we’ll be seeing a lot more of him from now on.”
Would he consider moving in with her? After sleeping in his arms, feeling so safe, so content, and so right… How could she go back to sleeping alone?
But would Kian even want to stay in her plain little house? Where did he live, anyway? What was his place like? Would he ever take her to it? There was still so much she didn’t know about him, so much to discover and learn.
The chime of the doorbell broke the peaceful silence, startling Loki, who leapt down from the stool and darted into the bedroom.
Willow’s heart jumped with elation.
Kian’s back!
Setting down the mug, Willow hurried to the front door, thrumming with excitement. She had a client coming later, and she wanted to spend as much time with Kian as she could before then. Unlocking the door, she flung it open.
Her heart dropped.
Eli stood on her porch, dressed in dark blue jeans and a red and black button-down flannel, with his brown hair slicked back but for an errant strand dangling over his forehead. His smile was wide, displaying his straight white teeth.
He held up a bouquet of red roses. “Hi Willow.”
She didn’t even look at the flowers. “What are you doing here, Eli?”
“I came to apologize.”
“You already did that. I didn’t accept it. And I’m pretty sure me telling you to go away and blocking your number was a sign that I didn’t want to see you again.”